uni.liStudiumStudiengängeBachelor BetriebswirtschaftslehreWissenswertesCurriculumVertiefung Information Management and Information Technology (IMIT)

Prof. Dr. Nicholas Berente

Advancing Process Research with Digital Trace Data
Dissertation, seit Juli 2023

Die Erforschung von Digital Trace Data wird im Bereich Information Systems (IS) immer wichtiger und bietet vielversprechende Möglichkeiten zur Untersuchung von Prozessen, Wandel und zeitlichen ... mehr

Industrie 4.0 & Organisationen: Die Auswirkung der Digitalisierung auf Organisationen in der Fertigungsindustrie
Dissertation, September 2017 bis Juni 2022 (abgeschlossen)

Digitale Technologien sind allgegenwärtig und durchdringen Produkte, Prozesse und Organisationen. Insbesondere ist die Fertigungsindustrie davon betroffen, da deren Umfeld hochtechnisiert und ... mehr

Institutional Logics of Digital Innovation
Dissertation, Februar 2013 bis Juni 2017 (abgeschlossen)

Innovating with digital technologies is an imperative for virtually all organizations. Today, diverse actors use digital technologies to drive innovations, ranging from engineers, designers, and ... mehr

  • Mendling, J., Berente, N., Seidel, S., & Grisold, T. (2021). The Philosopher's Corner: Pluralism and Pragmatism in the Information Systems Field: The Case of Research on Business Processes and Organizational Routines. The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 52(2), 127-140. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Werder, K., Seidel, S., Recker, J., Berente, N., Gibbs, J., Abboud, N., & Benzeghadi, Y. (2020). Data-Driven, Data-Informed, Data-Augmented: How Ubisoft's Ghost Recon Wildlands Live Unit Uses Data for Continuous Product Innovation. California Management Review, 62(3). (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Seidel, S., Berente, N., Lindberg, A., Lyytinen, K., Martinez, B., & Nickerson, J. V. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Video Game Creation: A Framework for the New Logic of Autonomous Design. Journal of Digital Social Research, 2(3), 126-157.

  • Berente, N., Seidel, S., & Safadi, H. (2019). Research Commentary - Data-Driven Computationally-Intensive Theory Development. Information Systems Research (ISR), 30(1), 50-64. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4*; VHB_3: A+; FT_50_2016: yes)

  • Tumbas, S., Berente, N., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Digital Innovation and Institutional Entrepreneurship: Chief Digital Officer Perspectives of their Emerging Role. Journal of Information Technology, 33(3), 188-202. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: A)

  • Seidel, S., Berente, N., Martinez, B., Lindberg, A., Lyytinen, K., & Nickerson, J. (2018). Autonomous Tools in Systems Design: Reflective Practice in Ubisoft's Ghost Recon Wildlands Project. IEEE Computer, 51(10), 16-23. (VHB_3: C)

  • Tumbas, S., Berente, N., & vom Brocke, J. (2017). Three Types of Chief Digital Officers and the Reasons Organizations Adopt the Role. MIS Quarterly Executive, 16(2), 121-134. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Miranda, S., Berente, N., Seidel, S., Safadi, H., & Burton-Jones, A. (2022). Editor's Comments: Computationally Intensive Theory Construction: A Primer for Authors and Reviewers. MIS Quarterly, 46(2), iii-xviii. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4*; VHB_3: A+; FT_50_2016: yes)

  • Tumbas, S., Berente, N., & vom Brocke, J. (2020). Three Types of Chief Digital Officers and the Reasons Organizations Adopt the Role. In R. D. Galliers, D. E. Leidner & B. Simeonava (Eds.), Strategic Information Management - Theory and Practice (5th ed., ). New York: Routledge.

  • Tumbas, S., Berente, N., & vom Brocke, J. (2017). Digital Capabilities for Buffering Tensions of Structure, Space, and Time during Entrepreneurial Growth. Paper presented at the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea. (VHB_3: A)

  • Tumbas, S., Berente, N., & vom Brocke, J. (2017). Born Digital: Growth Trajectories of Entrepreneurial Organizations Spanning Institutional Fields. Paper presented at the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea. (VHB_3: A)

  • Tumbas, S., Berente, N., Seidel, S., & vom Brocke, J. (2015). The 'Digital Façade' of Rapidly Growing Entrepreneurial Organizations. Paper presented at the 36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2015), Fort Worth, Texas, USA. (VHB_3: A)
