Identification and Verification of Important Innovation Variables – Measuring Innovation

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Bayrle, N., & Brecht, L. (2018). Identification and Verification of Important Innovation Variables – Measuring Innovation. Paper presented at the ISPIM Connects Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan.

Publication type

Paper in Conference Proceedings


Innovation capability is fundamental for a firm to ensure competitive advantages as well as its survival. In practice, the problem frequently arises that innovation capability cannot be directly measured and compared with other firms. There is no defined parametric function for the innovation process of a firm. Additionally, it is difficult to gather the necessary innovation indicators. A consensus exists that innovation capability can be determined by Data Envelopment Analysis using the concept of innovation efficiency. To determine innovation efficiency, innovation inputs and outputs are needed. This paper aims to evaluate innovation efficiency in a valid and objective way using Data Envelopment Analysis and a minimal set of input and output indicators. The results show which innovation variables firms should focus on to enhance firm performance and which suffice as a minimal set of indicators to measure innovation efficiency.


Organizational Units

  • Institute for Entrepreneurship
  • Chair of Entrepreneurship and Technology

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