
4409082: FU_Islam and Europe (Lecture)

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Semester:WS 17/18
Lektionen / Semester:22.0 L / 16.5 h
Selbststudium:73.5 h



Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)
Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)
Bachelorstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)
Fakultätsübergreifende Wahlfächer (01.09.2014)
Masterstudium Information Systems (01.09.2015)
Masterstudium Finance (01.09.2015)
Masterstudium Entrepreneurship (01.09.2015)


Since 9/11 Islam is continuously analyzed and criticized in the Media. Most of the coverage is biased and inaccurate. However, some newspapers, scholars or politicians try to show that Islam is something "new" and unknown in Europe. An eye-catching message of rightwing politicians or racist groups is a) Islam is a new Religion inside the borders of Europe; and b) Islam is incompatible with the political and moral values of Europe.

The lecture will discuss the media constructions of Islam and Muslims in Europe and it will provide an introduction to Islam in general. We will also focus on the Islamic prophetic tradition, the Quran as well as the Shariah law. The main part of the course will focus on the history of Islam in Europe from the late 19th to the 20th century.


  • The course will discuss the story of Islam in Europe and how different Muslim traditions influenced the European traditions and vice versa.
  • The students will learn the about the internal diversity among the European Muslim communities.



Reading material will be provided on moodle.

  • Allievi, Stefano / Nielsen, Jørgen (Hrsg.) (2003): Muslim networks and transnational communities in and across Europe. Muslim Minorities 1; Brill, Leiden.
  • Cesari, Jocelyne / McLoughlin, Seán (eds.) (2005): European Muslims and the Secular State. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Escudier, Alexandre (Hrsg.) (2003): Der Islam in Europa. Der Umgang mit dem Islam in Frankreich und Deutschland. Wallstein, Göttingen.
  • Geaves, Ron / Dressler, Markus / Klinkhammer, Gritt (eds.) (2009): Sufis in Western Society. Global Networking and Locality. Routledge, London.
  • Goody, Jack (2004): Islam in Europe. Polity Press, Cambridge
  • Jonker, Gerdien / Amiraux, Valérie (eds.) (2006): Politics of Visiblity. Young Muslims in European Public Spaces. Transcript, Bielefeld.
  • Kepel, Gilles (1994): À l'ouest d'allah. Éditions du Seuil, Paris.
  • Klausen, Jytte (2006): Europas muslimische Eliten. Wer sie sind und was sie wollen. Campus, Frankfurt/Main.
  • Kreienbrink, Axel / Bodenstein, Mark (Hg.): Muslim Organisations and the State - European Perspectives. Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 2010
  • Laurens, Henry / Tolan, John / Veinstein, Gilles (2009): L'Europe et l'Islam. Quinze siècles d'histoire. Odile Jacob, Paris.
  • Maréchal, Brigitte / Allievi, Stefano / Dassetto, Felice / Nielsen, Jørgen (Hrsg.) (2003): Muslims in the enlarged Europe. Religion and Society. Muslim Minorities 2; Brill, Leiden.
  • Nielsen, Jørgen (1995): Muslims in Western Europe. 2. Aufl., University Press, Edinburgh
  • Nökel, Sigrid, Levent Tezcan (eds.) (2005): Islam and the New Europe. Continuities, Changes, Confrontations. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.


Passed / Failed


Fakultätsübergreifendes Wahlfach:
Es gelten spezielle Anmeldemodalitäten.


  • P-FU_Islam and Europe (Lecture) (WS 17/18, bewertet)
  • P-FU_Islam and Europe (Lecture) (SS 18, bewertet)