Semester:SS 24
Lektionen / Semester:28.0 L / 21.0 h
Selbststudium:69.0 h
Lektionen / Semester:28.0 L / 21.0 h
Selbststudium:69.0 h
- Prof. Dr. Michael Hanke
- Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer
- Dr. Othar Kordsachia
(E-Learning Admin)
- Sabrina Urban, MSc
(E-Learning Admin)
Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2021)Lehrveranstaltungen
- Overview on financial markets and financial system
- Financial markets: money market, bond market, stock market, mortgage market, foreign exchange markets
- International financial market
- Market efficiency
- The nature and variety of financial intermediation and financial intermediaries
- Bank risks, spot lending and credit risk
- Special topics in credit: syndicated loans, loan sales, and project finance
- Off-balance sheet banking, contingent claims and securitization
- The deposit contract, deposit insurance, and shadow banking
- Bank capital structure and objectives of bank regulation
- understand the structures of the bond, stock, and foreign exchange markets, and how they channel funds and promote economic efficiency
- know and analyze characteristics of different financial asset classes and have a basic understanding about valuation
- know the mechanism of the international financial system
- know the relevance of efficient financial markets and financial intermediaries for economic welfare
- know and identify the different forms, products, services and contributions of financial institutions to financial markets
- know and are able to explain and to relate to each other the different types of bank risks in the spot lending and credit risk business, including syndicated loans, loan sales, and project finance
- know off-balance sheet banking and contingent claims and are able to explain inherent risks
- know and understand the use of securitization
- understand the relevance and importance of the deposit contract and deposit insurance
- are aware of the implications of an increase in shadow banking
- understand the specifics of bank capital structure and objectives of bank regulation
- understand the specific characteristics of financial markets and instruments and learn which markets and instruments to use in particular cases
- are aware of sources of information regarding financial markets, financial institutions, financial assets as well as clients
- understand the implementation of financial models for analyzing financial markets, institutions and client
- are able to apply methodologies regarding measurement and management of bank risks (i.e. duration, convexity, asset liability management etc.)
- learn to evaluate and manage risks in OBS banking
- understand and are able to work with evaluation criteria for the use of securitization on financial markets
- understand to apply important criteria in evaluating shadow banking
- develop the ability to identify the suitable form of financial institution depending on the goal or needs
- interpret arguments and facts during presentations of the lecturer and fellow students and react with critical questions
- improve communication skills by debating their point of view in discussions during the lecture
- develop enthusiasm and the willingness to learn new things independently
- develop a critical and evaluative mind regarding developments in banking and financial markets
- develop an independent thinking and evaluation related to all kind of events related to financial markets and financial institutions, based on an ongoing discussion of news in class
Voraussetzungen (formal)
Inskription ab WS23/24
Diese Zugangsvoraussetzungen:
- Für die Anmeldung zu Modulen der Vertiefungsrichtung müssen die Module Statistik, Wirtschaftsmathematik und English I erfolgreich absolviert sein.
- Zusätzlich muss für die Anmeldung zur Vertiefung IFS das Modul Finanzierung erfolgreich absolviert sein.
Inskription vor WS23/24
Entweder obige Zugangsvoraussetzungen oder:
- Für die Anmeldung zu Modulen der Vertiefungsrichtung müssen Module im Umfang von mindestens 45 ECTS Credits aus dem ersten Studienjahr und zusätzlich das Modul English I erfolgreich absolviert sein.
- Wahlfächer bleiben für diese Regelungen vollständig ausser Betracht.