
Workshop Sustainable Finance 2019

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Dienstag, 14. Mai 2019, 9.00-14.00 Uhr
Universität Liechtenstein


The Institute for Finance at the University of Liechtenstein is pleased to announce a call for papers for an academic conference on sustainable finance, which will be held on May 14th, 2019 at the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein.

This event is enriched by a keynote speech by Rochus Mommartz, CEO and Member of the Executive Management,
responsAbility Investments AG, Zurich, Switzerland
. The Speech will be in German (slides in English) and open to the public, registration is required, although the attendance is free of charge.
Registration Keynote-Speech

Workshop Programme

09.00-09.10 Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti, Chair in Business
Administration, Banking and Financial Management,
Institute for Finance, University of Liechtenstein

Paper Presentations and Discussion
09.10-09.40 Speaker #1
Are Insurance Balance Sheets Carbon-Neutral?
Harnessing Asset Pricing for Climate-Change Policy

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Utz, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Co-authors: Prof. Dr. Alexander Braun and Dr. Jiahua Xu,
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
09.45-10.15 Speaker #2
Beneficiaries of pension funds – individual sustainability
preferences and the potential to decarbonize pension fund portfolios

Speaker: Maximilian Bong, M.Sc., University of Stuttgart, Germany
Co-author: Prof. Dr. Henry Schäfer, University of Stuttgart, Germany
10.20-10.50 Speaker #3
Management of Environmental and Social Risks and
Topics in the Banking Sector - an Empirical Investigation

Speaker: Ute Laun, Research Assistant and PhD Student,
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Co-authors: Dr. Katrin Hummel and Dr. Annette Krauss, University of Zurich, Switzerland
10.55-11.25 Speaker #4
A risk management perspective on CSR and the marginal
cost of debt - empirical evidence from Europe

Speaker: Othar Kordsachia, Phd-candidate, University of Lüneburg, Germany
12.00-12.30 Speaker #5
Shareholder Engagement on Environmental, Social
and Governance Performance

Speaker: Dr. Tamas Barko, University of Mannheim, Germany
Co-authors: Martijn Cremers, University of Notre Dame, United States and Luc Renneboog, Tilburg University, Netherlands
12.35-01.05 Speaker #6
ESG-Investing: Corporate Social Responsibility in the U.S. and Europe
Speaker: Björn Rock, M. Sc., Justus-Liebig University of Giessen, Germany
Co-authors: Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier and Yannick Bofinger, M.Sc.,
Justus-Liebig University of Giessen, Germany

01.15-01.30 Award Ceremony

  • Best Paper Award: VP Bank AG, Vaduz
  • Impact Award: Life Climate Foundation Liechtenstein

01.30-02.00 Keynote Speech "Mehr als ESG: Impact"
Rochus Mommartz, CEO and Member of the Executive Management,
responsAbility Investments AG, Zurich, Switzerland
The Keynote Speech will be in German (slides in English) and open to the public, registration is required, although the attendance is free of charge.


  • Practitioners in Politics, Economy and Administration
  • Academics in the Field of Finance
  • Students and Graduates


Prof. em. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti
Dr. Lars Kaiser
Dr. Hendrik Peer Kimmerle


CHF 50.- including sandwiches and drinks.
Reason for discount: uni.li Student BSc, MSc, PhD (free of charge), uni.li Student Executive Programmes (50% reduction), Students from other universities (50% reduction)

If you only want to attend the Keynote-Speech, this is free of charge. Please indicate your choice at your registration.




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