
Webinar ESG Kompakt: Investing for impact

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Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024
11.00 - 13.00 Uhr
Webinar via Zoom


The webinar on June 11 will be conducted in English.


Remo Oswald, Managing Partner at Enabling Qapital AG

Ion Yadigaroglu, M.Sc., Partner at Capricorn and the Technology Impact Fund

What is ESG Compact?
"ESG Compact" serves as a platform to strengthen the exchange between various actors in the financial and real economy sectors and to illuminate and discuss the topic of sustainability from various viewpoints.

For this purpose, each seminar focuses on a specific aspect, considering it from both theoretical and practical perspectives. These focal points can be of macroeconomic and political relevance, include regulatory aspects, shed light on the integration of ESG criteria into existing investment approaches, discuss the data basis of existing ESG ratings, or explore the interfaces between ESG and Impact Investing, Philanthropy, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a broader context. The overarching goal is to bundle the interests, expectations, and challenges of investors, the private sector, and political decision-makers in a forum to stimulate a holistic discussion regarding sustainable development.

Patronage of this event




Dr. Othar Kordsachia


Die Teilnahme am Webinar via Zoom ist kostenlos.




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