Contribution of mindfulness and/or self-leadership training program to the meaningful potential development of current and future leaders in organization especially in the context of VUCA

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Projektart und Laufzeit

Dissertation, seit September 2019


Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship und Leadership


Wachstum und Komplexität


Entrepreneurial Learning, Teamlearning


The main research project is about an intervention study whereby part-time students (with several years of working experience) and fulltime students (some working experience) are allocated to three different training groups. They attend either the semester-long elective (i) "Mindfulness / Mindful Leadership", (ii) "Self-Leadership" or (iii) an alternative elective. The latter group (iii) acts as an active control group. The purpose of this study is to find out if such trainings can increase besides the obvious mindfulness and self-leadership skills also aspects related to self-efficacy, self-esteem, risk-readiness, locus of control, proactivity, well-being, happiness/satisfaction, resilience and dealing with uncertain times caused e.g. by the corona pandemic. To sum up, prepare the future leaders for working and leading in a demanding, digitalized VUCA-world that we are facing more and more.

This leads to the following research question:
What kind of contributions could a mindfulness and/or self-leadership training program make to the meaningful potential development of current and future leaders in organization especially in the context of VUCA?


Führung, Selbstführung, Achtsamkeit, Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, VUCA