
Das Jahresthema 2015/16 des Institutes lautet Suffizienz. Der Begriff der Suffizienz wird nicht nur in den Entwurfsthemen der Bachelor- und Masterstudios behandelt, sondern er ist auch Thema der verschiede- nen Events die über das ganze Jahr verteilt stattfinden.

Suffizenz Statements der Dozierenden:

Kathrin Aste “But if frugality prevents dreams, ideas, creativity, and opinion then enough may never be enough: because then silence would already be fraud.” 

Erich Strolz „Ecological and social sustainability should not only be described but also be lived.“ 

Bernardo Bader „Commensuration and not austereness  is what fascinates me as an architect.” 

Urs Meister „Sufficiency is the mother of sustainability: What is not consumed in excess is available to others, and what is not harvested in stock also does not need to be re-afforested.“ 

Conradin Clavuot “Do we always live with pleasure and conciousness? Which are the things, I really need to survive – intellectually and physically?” 

Peter Staub „Individually, instead of relinquishing certain luxuries we simply compensate through improved efficiency and technology. But what if we understand sufficiency within the context of the community?”