Semester:SS 20
Lektionen / Semester:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Selbststudium:67.5 h
Lektionen / Semester:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Selbststudium:67.5 h
- Prof. Dr. Marco Furtner
Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)Beschreibung
- Foundations of Entrepreneurship & Family Firm Research (new venture creation, SME management, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial mindset, opportunity recognition, exploration vs. exploitation, entrepreneurial behavior in family firms).
- Building Blocks of "Corporate Entrepreneurship" (definitions, general frameworks, differences between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Start-Up Entrepreneurship, process of Corporate Entrepreneurship, forms of Corporate Entrepreneurship).
- Creating an entrepreneurial organization (human resource management in entrepreneurial organizations, personality of corporate entrepreneurs, motivations for entrepreneurial behavior, corporate strategy and entrepreneurship, elements and development of an entrepreneurial culture, innovation management).
- Entrepreneurial Performance (constraints on entrepreneurial performance, leading an entrepreneurial organization, assessing entrepreneurial performance, sustaining entrepreneurial performance).
- Apply the instruments of (Corporate) Entrepreneurship correctly under different contexts.
- Identify the constitutive influencing factors on entrepreneurial behavior and endeavors, regardless of company type, firm or size.
- Develop appropriate entrepreneurial strategies according to the respective firm type and environment.
- Evaluate entrepreneurial strategies and their applicability in different market situations.
- Apply fundamental models of (Corporate) Entrepreneurship towards new situations.
- Compare alternative models and approaches of (Corporate) Entrepreneurship, identify similarities and differences.
- Compare alternative models and approaches of (Corporate) Entrepreneurship, identify similarities and differences.
- Judge if certain models resp. approaches of (Corporate) Entrepreneurship are applicable in concrete situations and choose the most appropriate ones.
- Differentiate important from unimportant information in a situation under time pressure.
- Work jointly in groups on the solution of case studies.
- Evaluate the results of fellow students compared to their own results.
- Perceive new or alternative methods of resolutions and interrelate those to their own.
- Represent and defend their own solution against criticism.
- Learn to communicate openly within your group.
- Tolerate differing mindsets or solutions.
- Justify their solutions and judgments within their team.
- Cooney, T. (2011): Cases in European Entrepreneurship, DIT Press, Dublin.
- Current academic texts/articles on the subject being provided via Moodle.
- oral presentation
- in class participation