3807435: C12_Risk Management, Financial Institutions & Research Seminar

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Semester:WS 14/15
Lektionen / Semester:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Selbststudium:135.0 h



Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)


Risk Management:

  • Identification, measuring and controlling financial risks.
  • Classes of Risk
  • Hedging strategies
  • The risk management process

Financial Institutions:
  • Importance and roles of the main actors on capital and financial markets, basic knowledge of finance intermediation, regulation of banks.
  • Financial Intermediation
  • Bank regulation

Research Seminar
  • Understand and analyze topics in financial services in one of the three offered specialization parts (Finance, Law or Tax).


    • Show expert knowledge in risk management and financial institutions and regulatory standards.
    • Characterize financial risk classes.
    • Interpret the results of relevant risk measures.
    • Describe pay off diagrams and valuation methods of derivatives.
    • Describe the use of derivatives to control risks.
    • Understand the role of different types of financial institutions.
    • Understand the difference between acting on financial markets and financial intermediation.
    • Describe the specific risks of financial intermediation.
    • Understand the main goals of bank regulations and the tools to reach them.
    • Describe and argue the importance of financial institutions for the whole economy.
    • Use risk measures to quantify risk and calculate them.
    • Find suitable hedging strategies.
    • Valuate derivatives with the model of arbitrage.
    • Apply the methods on a complex topic and are able to present the findings in a report
    • Identify potential sources of risks of financial institutions.
    • Apply the appropriate risk measures for specific risk classes.
    • Analyze the use of hedging strategies in given examples.
    • Find the fair value of derivatives by using parameters (Greeks).
    • Analyze specific risks of banks.
    • Identify the consequences of regulations.
    • Conceptualize a risk management process, which identifies and quantifies risks and displays the design/use of hedging tools and their valuation.
    • Design optimal processes to control for risk.
    • Combine the roles of financial institutions and legal regulations to understand financial markets.
    • Evaluate risk management processes.
    • Asses the consequences of regulations on financial institutions and the economy.
    • Understand how to manage risks with complex concepts and learn to connect the different roles of financial institutions.
    • Understand the logic and drivers behind current economic topics in financial services.
    • Apply methods and models on unknown decision situations. Find and calculate optimal hedging strategies.
    • Are able to write a term paper according to principles of scientific writing.
    • Develop abilities to understand and analyze mathematical relationships and models.
    • Summarize and explain their findings in a presentation.
    • Critically evaluate models and argue which of the models fits their needs best.
    • Evaluate the outcomes of their term paper
    • Listen carefully exercise patience needed to understand the logic and mathematics behind models.
    • Know how to respond to questions and critique in a follow-up discussion after a presentation in front of class.
    • Take responsibility and organize/explain their solutions to others who have problems and tend to give up.
    • Understand and critically discuss the arguments of fellow students.
    • React and critically reflect their solution without being offended.
    • Show that they are able to stick to a complex topic.

Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich)

Introduction to Finance:

  • Valuation of investments and derivatives
  • Basic knowledge about the role of banks and stock markets

Financial Decision Making:
  • Expected utility and mean variance theory

Private Banking, Law of Asset Management :
  • Basic Knowledge of the banking business

Voraussetzungen (formal)

Voraussetzung für die Anmeldung zum Modul:

  • erfolgreicher Abschluss von English I
  • erfolgreicher Abschluss von weiteren Modulen des 1. Regelstudienjahres im Umfang von weiteren 45 Credits.