Semester:WS 24/25
Lektionen / Semester:56.0 L / 42.0 h
Selbststudium:138.0 h
Lektionen / Semester:56.0 L / 42.0 h
Selbststudium:138.0 h
- Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht
- Marie Scheuffele, MSc
(E-Learning Admin)
Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2021)Lehrveranstaltungen
- Fundamentals of Digital Markets, Platform Economics, Digital Transformation and changes in value creation through digitization.
- Strategies and Principles of a Platform Economy. (e.g. Gig-Economy, Sharing Economy, Digital Entrepreneurship)
- are able to describe fundamental concepts of digital markets
- can describe the impact of digitization on business models, value creation, organizations and society.
- understand platform ecosystems and their dynamics
- can describe the role of IT in the development of platform based ecosystems
- can make predictions of future developments of digital businesses & platforms
- provide proper argumentation for the solution path chosen in the assignment
- are able to apply methods and models in relation to digitization to contemporary problems
- are able to analyze and evaluate platform based business models
- solve different assignments with relation to the the methods learnt
- evaluate the developed solutions regarding its applicability and its reasonableness
- work together to solve the assignments, communicate with each other and give support
- evaluate themselves and their contribution in the team with relation to cooperation, communication and troubleshooting
- develop their social competences while working in a team and adapt these competences to optimize the result of the teamwork
- support other team members while presenting the results
- tolerate different opinions and working styles
- participate self-initiated and act on one's own responsibility
- recapitulate the contents of lectures, exercises and cases in a self-organized way
- assess their own learning progress during lectures, exercises, case studies and self-study
- identify their own strengths and weaknesses
Voraussetzungen (formal)
Inskription ab WS23/24
Diese Zugangsvoraussetzungen:
- Für die Anmeldung zu Modulen der Vertiefungsrichtung müssen die Module Statistik, Wirtschaftsmathematik und English I erfolgreich absolviert sein.
- Zusätzlich muss für die Anmeldung zur Vertiefung IME das Modul Strategisches Management erfolgreich absolviert sein.
Inskription vor WS23/24
Entweder obige Zugangsvoraussetzungen oder:
- Für die Anmeldung zu Modulen des fünften Semesters müssen alle Module des ersten Studienjahres erfolgreich absolviert sein.
- Wahlfächer bleiben für diese Regelungen vollständig ausser Betracht.