3605143: Theory of Sustainability in Architecture and Planning

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Semester:WS 13/14
Lektionen / Semester:40.0 L / 30.0 h
Selbststudium:120.0 h



Doktoratsstudium Architektur und Raumentwicklung (01.09.2010)


This project-based, individually tutored module aims at fostering academic and reflective professional competencies. A reflective and critical understanding of theories of sustainability in Architecture, Planning and Development is developed by students in order to convey a solid background for better understanding the theoretical setting of their discipline.


Students will be able to:

  • gain an overview about various theories of sustainability and their history
  • critically review and discuss different theories of sustainable practice
  • apply theories of sustainability as guiding theoretical framework to individual thesis topics and research questions
  • be successfully examined by a group of academics in a presentation and paper submission at the end of the tutorial recherche



Individual tutorial guidance; self-study; presentation and paper by students

Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich)



Agyeman, J., Bullard M. and B. Evans (2003) Just Sustainabilities. Development in an Uneven World. London: Earthscan

Bartelmus, P. (1994) Environment, Growth and Development: the Concepts and Strategies of Sustainability. London: Routledge

Becker, E. and T. Jahn (2000) Sustainability and the Social Sciences: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Integrating Environmental Considerations into Theoretical Reorientation. London: Zed Books

Brandon, P.S. and P. Lombardi (2005) Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment. Oxford: Blackwell Science

Carson, R. (1962). Silent spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin

Dresner, S. (2002) The principles of sustainability London: Earthscan

Droege, P. Ed. 1997. Intelligent Environments. Elsevier Science

Droege, P. 2006. Renewable City. Wiley Academy

Droege, P. Ed. 2008. Urban Energy Transitions. Elsevier Oxford

Droege, P. Ed. 2009. One Hundred Percent Renewable. Earthscan

Droege, P. Ed. 2010. Climate Design. Oro Editions.

Edwards, A. R.and D.W. Orr (2005) The Sustainability Revolution - Portrait of a Paradigm Shift. Gabriola, B.C.: New Society Publishers

Genske et al. 2009. Urban Energy Potentials. In: One Hundred Percent Renewable

Hawken, P. and A. Lovins (1999) Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution. New York: Little Brown

Kirkby, J., O'keef, P. and L. Timberlake (1995) Sustainable Development: The Earthscan Reader. London: Earthscan

Munasinghe, M. and W. Shearer (1995) Defining and Measuring Sustainability: The Biogeophysical Foundations. Washington, DC: The World Bank

Nagpal, T. and C. Flotz (1995) Choosing Our Future: Visions of a Sustainable World. New York: World Resources Institute

Redclift, M. (1987). Sustainable development: Exploring the contradictions. New York: Methuen

Thomas, R. and M. Fordham (2003) Sustainable Urban Design: An Environmental Approach. Spon Press

Taylor, P. W. (198) Respect for nature: A theory of environmental ethics. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Tryzna, T.C. (1995) A sustainable World: Defining and Measuring Sustainable Development. London: Earthscan Publications

van Bers, C. and J., Robinson (1996) Living within Our Means: Foundations of Sustainability. Vancouver: David Suzuki Foundation

Wall, D. (1994) Green History. London: Routledge


The students will be assessed in this module through:

  • paper (5000 - 7000 words)
  • presentation of paper


  • PAR-DS_Theory of Sustainability in Architecture and Planning (WS 13/14, in Bewertung)