5006684: International Economics - Lecture

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Semester:WS 20/21
Scheduled in semester:5
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:97.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)


Patterns of international trade, international trade theories, instruments of trade policy, theoretical approaches to determination of exchange rates, international regulation of financial markets


    • Explain why countries trade and why governments may restrict international trade
    • Illustrate patterns and trends in international trade
    • Outline theories of international trade and policy
    • Summarize models of exchange rate determination and point out the effects of changes in international exchange rates
    • Identify challenges in international trade and monetary policy
    • Understand and apply theoretical approaches to explain past and current developments in international economics
    • good listening and posing of critical questions, awareness
    • manage cognition, presence and awareness during the lecture

Lectures Method

Lecture with some interactive routines


  • Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., & Melitz, M. J. (2019). International Economics: Theories of Trade. 11th Global Edition, Pearson Education Limited.
  • Feenstra, R., Taylor, A. M., C. (2017), International Economics, 4th Edition, Worth Publishing
  • Selected journal articles

Exam Modalities

  • written examination (90 minutes)


15.09.202015:15 - 16:45H4
22.09.202015:15 - 16:45H1
29.09.202015:15 - 16:45H4
06.10.202015:15 - 16:45H3
06.10.202015:15 - 16:45Virtueller Raum
13.10.202015:15 - 16:45H3
20.10.202015:15 - 16:45H1
03.11.202015:15 - 16:45H3
10.11.202015:15 - 16:45H3
17.11.202015:15 - 16:45H3
24.11.202015:15 - 16:45H1
01.12.202015:15 - 16:45H3
15.12.202015:15 - 16:45H3


  • PWW-BA-12_International Economics - VO (WS 20/21, bewertet)
  • PWW-BA-12_FT_International Economics - VO (SS 21, bewertet)
  • PWW-BA-12_International Economics - VO (SS 21, bewertet)