Semester:SS 23
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h
Module coordination/Lecturers
- Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer
- Jennifer Nadine Schein, MSc
(Interner Dozent)
- Dr. Andrea Rigamonti
(Interner Dozent)
- Dr. rer. oec. Matthias Herrmann-Romero, MSc
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)Modules
- Collection of Financial Data from Financial Databases
- Descriptive and Inferential Statistics for Financial Data (using R)
- Modelling and Forecasting Financial Timeseries (using R)
- Developing and formulating hypotheses
- Collecting primary data using experiments
- Collecting primary data using interviews or questionnaires
- Sample selection
- know how to conduct financial research and analysis
- know and learn to use specific financial databases
- name and understand descriptive statistics that are of relevance in financial research
- learn and understand the properties of linear regression and time series analysis
- understand and explain the different objectives of qualitative and quantitative research
- understand the importance of sample selection as well as different sampling strategies
- know and understand the basic principles of experimental design
- know and understand the basic principles of designing surveys and interviews
- know how to gather and analyse data
- choose the correct method for an analysis
- consider assumptions underlying specific statistical methods/models
- find suitable approaches to statistically address given research questions
- interpret empirical/statistical findings prudently
- can formulate testable hypotheses
- can choose and motivate appropriate data collection methods for given research objectives
- can choose and motivate appropriate sampling strategies for given research objectives
- are aware of potential biases and confounders in primary data collection
- listen carefully, read and repeat, practice until they understand the logic and mathematics behind models
- work together and motivate peers who tend to give up as a reaction to the difficulty of mathematical problems
- take responsibility and organize/explain their solution to others who have problems and tend to give up
- comprehend arguments that are based on divergent epistemological, and ontological assumptions
- understand and critically discuss the arguments of fellow students
- understand the flaws and problems of fellow students, reaction without offense
- reflect and question their own research philosophy
- acknowledge the importance of diversity in academic thinking
- use "R" as a software package to analyse data
- apply the methods learnt within a statistical software package (here: R)
Lectures Method
- Brooks, C.: Introductory econometrics for finance. Newest Edition. Cambridge university press.
- DeFusco, R. A., McLeavey, D. W., Anson, M. J., Pinto, J. E., & Runkle, D. E.: Quantitative investment analysis. Newest Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
- Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R.: Research methods for business: A skill building approach. Newest Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Exam Modalities
- Final Exam
Datum | Zeit | Raum |
15.02.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
22.02.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
01.03.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
08.03.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
15.03.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
22.03.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
29.03.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
05.04.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
19.04.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
26.04.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
03.05.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
10.05.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
17.05.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
24.05.2023 | 10:00 - 11:30 | H2 |
- PWW-BA-21_Research Methods I - (IFS) (SS 23, bewertet)
- PWW-BA-21_HT_Research Methods I - (IFS) (SS 23, bewertet)
- PWW-BA-21_Research Methods I - VO - (IFS) (WS 23/24, bewertet)