5004647: Research Design and Management

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Semester:WS 20/21
Scheduled in semester:1
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:46.5 L / 35.0 h
Self-directed study time:115.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Doctoral degree programme in Business Economics (01.09.2008)
Doctoral degree programme in Architecture and Planning (01.09.2010)


This module is a requisite cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs in Architecture and Planning as well Business Economics. It addresses fundamental aspects of research design and management with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein.

Research design can be broadly conceived of as the high-level plan to conducting research projects in the service of answering research questions. A research design links the key parts of a research endeavour to form a coherent scheme, under consideration of ontological, epistemological, and methodological choices. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frameworks, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to ensure key criteria including validity and reliability.

Research management skills address the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, build an international research network, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original. Combining research design and management skills across two doctoral programs helps us bring together diverse cohorts and integrate scientifically rigorous training with elements of professional development training. Through our approach towards innovative doctoral education we contribute to embracing some key aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU).

Lecture Goals

After completing the module, students will be able to

  • assess the nature and quality of a research design;
  • develop research designs, including problematization, research questions, philosophical assumptions, general strategies of inquiry, and specific methods for collecting and analyzing data;
  • manage research projects under consideration of time, resources, and quality management;
  • converse reflectively with the academic research community of their respective fields;
  • position their work in the context of their research community as well as with regards to specific discourses in that community;
  • apply for research funding; and
  • appreciate the range of research styles and cultures across the University of Liechtenstein and beyond.

Learning Outcomes

The course aims to develop key skills required for conducting scientific research in Architecture and Planning as well as Business Economics. At this, we explicitly aim to expose PhD students to a broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches, always under consideration of the respective implications for research design. Grounded in the understanding that research designs should be in response to relevant research questions, we aim to equip our students with the skills that qualify them as competent researchers beyond the design and execution of their particular dissertations.

By developing skills in research design and research management, as well as by promoting an awareness of the variety of epistemological and methodological approaches, this module provides an understanding of the multiple logics and procedures involved in the discovery and formation of knowledge. Participants will learn to appreciate the structure and performance of successful research endeavours and will acquire conceptual and technical skills needed for designing their own research approaches in light of the particular styles and research cultures of their respective scientific communities and discourses.


Lectures Method

Interactive, seminar style presentations and discussions


A detailed module handbook, reading resources and corresponding handouts will be available.

The following books illustrate some of the most elementary aspects:

  • Cresswell, J.W. 2014. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative & Mixed Method Approaches. Sage
  • Denzen, N.K. and Y.S. Lincoln. 2017. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. Sage
  • Groat, L. and D. Wang. 2002. Architectural research methods. Wiley
  • Recker, J. 2013. Scientific Research in Information Systems: A Beginner’s Guide. Springer
  • Saunders, M.N.K., P. Lewis, and A. Thornhill. 2015. Research Methods for Business Students, Pearson
  • Zeisel, J. 2006. Inquiry by Design: Environment/Behavior/Neuroscience in Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, and Planning. W.W. Norton

Exam Modalities

The students will be assessed in this module through

  • a seminar paper,
  • the presentation and defence of the seminar paper,
  • and their participation in class.

In the seminar paper the students will be asked to outline and discuss a potential research design for their dissertation. That way, the seminar paper builds on knowledge acquired in the course, and it serves to transfer this knowledge to the students’ individual PhD project. Attendance of all mandatory and selected classes as well as the presentations is expected; 80% attendance is required for a positive grade.


  • PWW-DS_Research Design and Management (WS 20/21, in Bewertung)