5812084: Research Project and Scientific Publishing A

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Semester:WS 24/25
Scheduled in semester:1-2
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:42.0 L / 31.5 h
Self-directed study time:118.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Doctoral degree programme in Business Economics (01.09.2008)


This course provides a comprehensive guide to the research process for PhD students across different research fields. It is organized in two formally separate courses, Part A and Part B. Part A (in the Winter Term) is hands-on research and focuses on developing a draft research paper from scratch or beginning with the initial research proposal students might have. It covers all stages of the process, from formulating clear research questions, through detailed literature review, choice of research methodology and data analysis toolkit, to putting the first draft together. In Part B (in the Summer Term) students delve also into professional aspects of the academic research process. They first learn about research funding and related schemes. Then they develop comprehensive understanding of research design, practice presenting their research results effectively, thus preparing for seminars and conferences, and finally explore different stages of the publication process, including crafting cover letters for journal submissions and participating in the peer review process.

Students can start with either Term, although it is recommended to begin with Part A. Nevertheless, both Part A and Part B are designed to be independent and complementary. In the Summer Term in Part B, students who completed the Winter Term work on their assignments based on the draft research paper they completed in Part A. Instead, those students starting with Part B in the Summer Term work on their assignments using an established published paper of their choice from within their research field, as case study, to explore also these professional aspects of the research process. In the Winter Term in Part A, students who decided to complete Part B in the Summer Term first, thus working with an established published paper of their choice, work on writing their draft research paper and are expected to apply knowledge gained in Part B to their output later at their own discretion.

Key topics covered in part A are:
• Stages of the PhD research process.
• Develop research questions and hypotheses rigorously.
• Conduct a comprehensive literature review in a systematic way.
• Choose and implement research methodologies that match.
• Analyze and interpret research data from different sources.
• Write and present research findings effectively.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of Part A, students will

Professional competence
• Understand the stages of the PhD research process.
• Present research findings effectively to various audiences.
• Apply effective presentation techniques.
• Write a coherent and compelling draft research paper.

Methodological competence
• Develop a clear and viable research question.
• Conduct thorough and critical literature reviews.
• Select and apply appropriate research methodologies.
• Analyze data using appropriate tools and techniques.

Social competence
• Collaborate effectively in team settings.
• Network and communicate effectively with peers.

Personal competence
• Use self-reflection to enhance communication skills.
• Understand personal strengths and areas for improvement in communication.
• Develop self-awareness in various communication contexts.


Lectures Method

  • Lectures providing input
  • Take-home tasks (writing, application of newly acquired knowledge and competences)
  • Student presentations incl. feedback


Students are provided with lecture slides and supplementary material (e.g., selected journal articles).


  • PWW_DS_Research Project and Scientific Publishing A (WS 24/25, bestätigt)