3704064: Going International

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Semester:SS 14
Scheduled in semester:2
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:50.0 L / 37.5 h
Self-directed study time:112.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship - Major Finance (01.10.2008)
Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship (01.10.2008)
Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship (01.09.2012)


  • International Market Environment
(Insights into International Marketing, Trade Organisations and Trade Policy, Intercultural Aspects, Economic Environment, Political and Legal Framework Conditions).
  • International Market Entry and Development of Markets
(Organisation, Implementation and Control, Market Research, Market Entry and Expansion).
  • Export Marketing Mix
(Product Adaptation, Pricing, Marketing Communication, Distribution Management).
  • Global Marketing Mix
(Global Product Management and Global Brand Development, Global Services, Global Logistics and Purchasing, Global Pricing, Global Communication Policy).

Lecture Goals

In the lecture "Going International", theories and models of internationalisation, various approaches to internationalisation processes, existing views on relevant framework conditions for internationalisation as well as the international marketing mix are clarified or interpreted, resulting in the following learning outcomes and requisite skills:

  • To be familiar with the central theories and approaches, the main issues and the limits of international entrepreneurship.
  • To trace and apply the progression of internationalisation of business activities starting from theoretical approaches.
  • To apply the instruments of international entrepreneurship correctly and in a goal-oriented manner to solve typical problems of internationalisation such as decision processes for market alternatives, selection of the market entry form for various markets, creation of the international marketing mix, evaluation of legal and political framework conditions.
  • To independently modify the international marketing mix with respect to product adaptation, pricing, market communication and distribution efficiency in differing markets.
  • To gauge the value of programmes for export promotion and to evaluate them in connection with concrete problems.

Social and Methodological Skills
  • To identify business problems in internationalisation and to apply the theories of international entrepreneurship to solve them.
  • To subject ideas, concepts, information and issues relating to the internationalisation of undertakings to critical analysis and evaluation and to derive propositions for business activities from them.
  • To apply their knowledge of international entrepreneurship and are able to assume responsibility in a team for the internationalisation of an undertaking.

Learning Outcomes

In the lecture "Going International", theories and models of internationalisation, various approaches to internationalisation processes, existing views on relevant framework conditions for internationalisation as well as the international marketing mix are clarified or interpreted, resulting in the following learning outcomes and requisite skills:

  • To be familiar with the central theories and approaches, the main issues and the limits of international entrepreneurship.
  • To trace and apply the progression of internationalisation of business activities starting from theoretical approaches.
  • To apply the instruments of international entrepreneurship correctly and in a goal-oriented manner to solve typical problems of internationalisation such as decision processes for market alternatives, selection of the market entry form for various markets, creation of the international marketing mix, evaluation of legal and political framework conditions.
  • To independently modify the international marketing mix with respect to product adaptation, pricing, market communication and distribution efficiency in differing markets.
  • To gauge the value of programmes for export promotion and to evaluate them in connection with concrete problems.

Social and Methodological Skills
  • To identify business problems in internationalisation and to apply the theories of international entrepreneurship to solve them.
  • To subject ideas, concepts, information and issues relating to the internationalisation of undertakings to critical analysis and evaluation and to derive propositions for business activities from them.
  • To apply their knowledge of international entrepreneurship and are able to assume responsibility in a team for the internationalisation of an undertaking.


Lectures Method

In the interactive lecture, the central theses of International Entrepreneurship are conveyed, and clarified and interpreted using practical applications. In addition, the students deal with case studies on various issues in private study or group work, facilitating an in-depth discussion of the subject matter in class.


Required reading

  • Hisrich, R.D. (2012). International Entrepreneurship - Starting, Developing and Managing a Global Venture (2. Ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

  • Recommended for the lecture "Going International" are current English-language journal articles. The articles are available to students for downloading from the Moodle.
  • Foley, J. (2004). The Global Entrepreneur (2. Ed.). St. Louis: Jamric Press International.
  • Czinkota, M. R. & Ronkainen, I. A. (2007). International Marketing (8th ed.). Mason: Thomson Higher Education.


Scripts; transparencies; case studies; internet links and sample examinations are available from Moodle.

Exam Modalities

There is a 120-minute written examination testing the content of the course “Going International”.


The students will actively support the data collection and analysis of the research project "Unternehmensnachfolge im internationalen Vergleich - eine Paneluntersuchung".


16.05.201409:00 - 16:45H2
17.05.201409:00 - 16:45H2
22.05.201409:00 - 16:45H2
23.05.201409:00 - 16:45H2
24.05.201409:00 - 16:45H2