HomeNewsIntro Week 2018
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Intro Week 2018

From the 12th to the 17th of February, the University of Liechtenstein welcomed 48 new students from 26 nations on campus.

Starting with a short introduction about the week and some important information of the country, the students were warmly welcomed by our president Jürgen Brücker and the Welcome Team on Monday. Subsequently, the Student Fair gave an overview of all organisations and services on and around the campus followed by the Pasta Party at lunch time and the official Red Cube Opening in the afternoon. Main goal of the week was the introduction of our new students to Liechtenstein’s life and culture.

Therefore, they visited the special and very traditional event “Fasnacht” in Triesenberg to get to know the middle European tradition of saying goodbye to winter and appreciating spring after visiting Walsermusem to understand the history of this settlement. The day ended in the middle of the mountains at Sücka with Raclette and a sledding race. German lessons were part of the week, too, which prepared all students for their stay in our beautiful region. As such, students are able to come along the country with some basic sentences and important words, for example: ”Hoi”. On Friday, the traditional “International Dinner” ended the official part of the week as a real highlight. Therefore, all students brought dishes from their countries of origin and allowed everyone else to experience a part of their culture.

Closing the week, the Semesterstart-Party, organized by one of the student initiatives of the University, namely ESN, allowed freshmen as well as other students to come together to celebrate the beginning of their studies. The weekend ended with a visit to the Funken-Event in Vaduz with its great bonfire to cast out winter.

With that program, the original goal to get to know Liechtenstein’s life and culture has been a huge success and we are very happy to have welcomed such a diverse and motivated crowd of students who enrich our campus life.