HomeNewsNew publication on the value orientation in Business Information Systems

New publication on the value orientation in Business Information Systems

Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke and PD Oliver Thomas of the University of Saarland describe in their paper how the benefits of service oriented architecture (SOA) can be demonstrated in the practice. They present a method of modeling and evaluation of potential uses, which allows proving the Return on Investment (ROI) of SOA.

        Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke and PD Oliver Thomas of the University of Saarland describe in their paper how the benefits of service oriented architecture (SOA) can be demonstrated in the practice. They present a method of modeling and evaluation of potential uses, which allows proving the Return on Investment (ROI) of SOA.

Research in Liechtenstein has been working for years for a stronger value orientation in Information Systems. The topic is based within the habilitation of Prof. vom Brocke and was introduced in 2008 on the multi-conference for Business Information Systems in Munich for the first time. Unlike in other locations, the value contribution of IT is not discussed general in Liechtenstein. Rather, methods are developed to enable companies in a position to assess the value of specific IT solutions in a given setting. In the meanwhile, over 20 publications with research partners were created across the world to advance the innovative approach to value orientation Information Systems, e.g.:

- vom Brocke, J., Recker, J., & Mendling, J. (2009). Value-oriented Process Modeling: Integrating Financial Perspectives into Business Process Re-design. Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ), accepted for publication on 18th of May 2009.

- vom Brocke, J., Sonnenberg, C., & Simons, A. (2009). Wertorientierte Gestaltung von Informationssystemen: Konzeption und Anwendung einer Potenzialmodellierung am Beispiel Serviceorientierter Architekturen. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 51(3), 261-272. (Details)

- vom Brocke, J., Sonnenberg, C., Thurnher, B., & Müller, B. (2008). Wertorientierte Gestaltung von Unternehmensarchitekturen. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 47(262).

- vom Brocke, J. (2008). Entscheidungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik. Entwicklung einer konstruktionsbegleitenden Kalkulation zur wirtschaftlichen Nutzung neuer Technologien. Paper presented at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008 (MKWI 2008), München, in print.

Der neue Beitrag erscheint im dem von Springer herausgegebenen Journal „Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB)“.

The new paper will be buplished in the journal "Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB)“, by Springer.

Further Information: Springerlink