Measuring cognitive load during process model creation.

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Weber, B., Neurauter, M., Pinggera, J., Zuggal, S., Furtner, M., Martini, M., & Sachse, P. (2015). Measuring cognitive load during process model creation.. Paper presented at the Information Systems and Neuroscience Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015., Cham.

Publication type

Paper in Conference Proceedings


While factors impacting process model comprehension are relatively well understood by now, little is known about process model creation and factors impacting the quality of the resulting process model as well as the modeler’s cognitive load. In this paper we propose to combine a continuous, psycho-physiological measurement of cognitive load with a detailed analysis of the modeler’s interactions of the modeling environment as well as eye movement analysis to obtain task-specific imposed cognitive load values. We present initial results in terms of a tool, lessons learnt from a pilot study and discuss upcoming challenges. This work provides the basis for investigating task imposed cognitive load during process model creation by enabling a dynamic, semi–automatic analysis of cognitive load.


Organizational Units

  • Institute for Entrepreneurship
  • Chair of Entrepreneurship and Leadership

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