

A full list of speakers will be available upon finalization of the program.

Dr. Monika G. Wilhelm

President, Dr. Rainer Wild-Stiftung, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Matthias Stremlow

Section head, Rural areas section, Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Bern, Switzerland

Keynote: "Landschaftsqualitäten als Standortfaktor"

Benno Kahrens

Sustainability consultant, akzente kommunkation und beratung GmbH, München, Germany

Dr. Elmar Friedrich

CEO, Epplication, Düsseldorf, Germany


Below are the session hosts of Green Summit 2018.


Martin Angerer

Assistent professor, chair in Finance, Institute of Finance, University of Liechtenstein

Lars Kaiser

Assistenzprofessor, chair in Business Administration, Banking and Financial Management,
Institute of Finance, University of Liechtenstein

Sebastian Stöckl

Assistenzprofessor, chair in Finance, Institute of Finance, University of Liechtenstein

Stefan Seidel

Professor and chair, chair in Information Systems,
Academic director of the MSc in Information Systems, University of Liechtenstein

Host: "Green IT - Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik"


Markus Heck

Program Director, SAP SE
PhD student, Hilti chair in Business Process Management
Session speaker Workshop "Green IT - Institute in Information Systems"

Anne Brandl

Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein

Host: "Architektur und Raumentwicklung"

Alexander Zimmermann

Professor, chair in Entrepreneurship
Academic director of the MBA in Technology and Innovation, Institute of Entrepreneurship, University of Liechenstein

Keynote: «Die grüne Hoffnung» - Inwieweit passen Geld und Gewissen im Management zusammen.