1st Blog by Tara Naomi Molina Terron - Thursday, 6 April 2023, 5:44 PM Ghent - an unexpected treasure

In this blog I will tell you how I found my way to Ghent and how the city stole my heart in the first month. In my opinion, Ghent is one of the most charming cities I have ever visited. Beautiful buildings, two rivers and endless history are packed into the city and its surroundings. Together with the friendliness and openness of the Ghentians, this results in an atmosphere that immediately welcomes you.

Even before my trip to Belgium, I was asked again and again: Ghent? why Ghent? Where is that exactly? What does that have to offer? And to be honest before I came here, I wasn't sure either. But the country, the city, the atmosphere and the people here surprised me and almost immediately won me over. Although not my first choice, I am immensely happy to have ended up here and wouldn't change it for anything.

The time here has shown me one thing very clearly: Ghent is a place where life as a student is very enjoyable. I was particularly surprised by the friendliness and openness of the Belgians, as I only heard in advance how difficult it apparently was to make friends with the locals. This may be true to a certain extent, but with a little effort you are welcomed here with openness and friendliness. Especially in the university environment one benefits from the enormous number of national and international students. The relaxed attitude runs through from the students to the teachers. One of the biggest changes for me was that punctuality in lectures is less of a priority. Everything is done calmly and with little pressure, which sometimes poses a certain challenge. I had to get used to the many breaks between the lessons and the somewhat slower teaching methods, but after a certain time you learn to appreciate the relaxation and learn to let something go.

In the entire city you can feel the relaxed atmosphere that runs through the streets. Although a city of 250,000 residents and 80,000 students, the city has a calm and tranquil atmosphere. Since most here use bicycles, buses and trams as their main means of transport, the streets are very bicycle-friendly. Safety for and around bicycle traffic and pedestrians are a top priority.

Ghent is like a treasure trove with a wide variety of compartments, some more hidden, some less so. There is something new to discover on every corner and even the smallest side street has something to offer. But as with a treasure trove, patience is required to find the right key for the various compartments to fully enjoy the precious content. I've learned to open myself to the relaxed and serene spirit of Ghent and to accept that you can also deviate from the usual paths when looking for unforgettable moments.

I am particularly fascinated by the way Ghent deals with history and heritage. Space is given in which to relax and develop naturally without losing sight of the past. History is cherished and protected without getting in the way of the future. This forces graffiti in the historical center which space is created rather than banned. Relaxation and adaptability combine in Ghent to create an atmosphere that welcomes everyone. Ghent is a city that unites opposites, giving them space to develop naturally and in a relaxed manner.

In short, Ghent is an adventure that I absolutely love. To discover new things without haste, to be able to take the time to enjoy the small and large discoveries. I am very grateful that a strange place could become a kind of home so quickly.