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5711967: Building Culture - Construction (extracurricular)

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Semester:SS 24
Scheduled in semester:1-4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:22.0 L / 16.5 h
Self-directed study time:73.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2019)


  • The discussion of the central historical and architectural theoretical foundations of tectonics.
  • The study of the communicative potential of tectonics and the question of its relevance and validity in the contemporary context.
  • The practical approach to the phenomenon of the tectonic through exercises (drawing and model).

Lecture Goals

  • The focus of this course is to provide knowledge of the historical development, contextual significance, and laws of tectonics as an original architectural language form.

Learning Outcomes

The students

  • have an idea of the potential synergy between theoretical background knowledge, design creativity and constructive know-how.
  • understand the connection between the choice of a building material and the possibilities of joining architectural form according to constructive-design aspects.
  • are able to transform the constructive-design analysis of existing solutions into their own creative interpretations.
  • are able to process, bundle and interpret a multitude of specifications and information and to use them within the design process in a way that is relevant to execution.
  • have a basic understanding of how to collaborate with colleagues to develop design ideas.
  • are able to communicate complex information to different audiences and with different objectives.
  • Are capable of critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of ideas, concepts, information, and concerns relevant to the discipline of architecture.
  • are able to draw on a variety of sources in forming a judgment.


Lectures Method

exercises, research, writing, case study


Literature lists are issued and updated each semester

Exam Modalities

Paper, Portfolio, exercises, minimum 70% mandatory presence, continuous assessment


  • PAR MA 19_Building Culture - Construction (SS 24, in Planung)