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Ort: Online via Teams (Teilnahme-Link wird nach der Anmeldung per E-Mail verschickt)
In recent months, researchers from the university have delivered groundbreaking presentations offering valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization.
The project consortium, consisting of four European architecture schools, met at the University of Liechtenstein for the kick-off meeting of the three-year Erasmus+ project “Crafting Clay - Exploring Circularity with Local Earth”, which is funded by the AIBA with 400,000 Euros.
On November 25, experts from the regional financial sector, academics and interested parties gathered at the University of Liechtenstein for the conference “Artificial intelligence: hype or sustainable transformation?”, a collaboration between Assistant Professor Dr. Sebastian Stöckl and the Liechtenstein Business School with PLEXUS Investments, led by CEO Günter Jäger. Aurelia Rauch from Bergos led through the afternoon.
The "Housing in and Beyond Switzerland" thematic group is part of the Association of Swiss Geographers (ASG) and was formed in 2024 to explore the challenges of affordable housing amidst urbanization and gentrification, focusing on Switzerland and its cross-border contexts. Dr. Johannes Herburger, a postdoc at the Urbanism, Architecture, and Society Unit of the Liechtenstein School of Architecture, is a founding member of the group.
As part of its partnership with the University of Liechtenstein, Bank Frick is awarding a scholarship to cover participation in the blockchain and fintech certificate programme or the blockchain and fintech CAS. The deadline for applications is 13 December 2024, and the course will begin on 9 January 2025.
Young Talents is a program for the promotion of young researchers. Young researchers at the University of Liechtenstein at doctoral level (following a preliminary study) can submit small research proposals to the University of Liechtenstein Research Fund.
Clara Ziche completed her degree in Information Systems at the graduation ceremony in September 2024. Her master's thesis «A case study on using Large Language Models for Process Modeling in Enterprise Organizations» was not only accepted at the BPM conference in Krakau, Polen, but also received the BPM2024 BEST INDUSTRY FORUM Paper Award.