On Thursday, 26 September 2024, an intensive train-the-trainer workshop focusing on self-leadership took place at the University of Liechtenstein under the direction of Julia Tenschert (Chair of Entrepreneurship and Leadership).
Five doctorates were awarded at the University of Liechtenstein's graduation ceremony on Friday, 27 September 2024, and 116 graduates of the University of Liechtenstein received their diplomas. Awards for outstanding achievements were also presented to nine graduates.
20 years ago, the founding team around Prof. em. Dr. Urs Baldegger established the «Entrepreneurship» department at the then university of applied sciences, laying the foundation for a success story. Reason enough to celebrate this anniversary together with alumni, students and the staff team.
LGT is awarding two scholarships for each academic year. All students who have been accepted to the first year of the Master of Science in Innovative Finance programme at the University of Liechtenstein can apply for the LGT University Scholarship. This year, Katharina Koch and Lena M. Seiller were honored.
As part of the Erasmus+ project “Design Science Research Academy”, led by Dr. Michael Gau, postdoctoral researcher at the Liechtenstein Business School, an online seminar on teaching Design Science Research (DSR) was successfully held. 111 lecturers from 97 universities in 30 countries took part.
The Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein and the University of Liechtenstein will be working together over the next three years as part of the “Pro Bono” teaching format to make a joint commitment to society.
The University of Liechtenstein is pleased to announce the establishment of the new Thematic Lab for Mathematics & Statistics (LMS). The Lab is being established with the support of the Palmary Foundation and will be a central component of teaching and research in the field of mathematics and statistics at the University of Liechtenstein for the next three years.