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Lecture 3 on sustainability: CIPRA

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CIPRA International
Jakob Dietachmair
06.12.2023, 05.30 p.m., H2


Sustainable World: a climate for change - Liechtenstein as global laboratory for innovation

Peter Droege's cross-disciplinary course leads from the roots of sustainable development to action against climate change, from purely renewable energy supply to organic agriculture, from the circular economy to responsible finance and from the means and forms of philanthropy to regenerative infrastructure: The global seeds of change towards sustainability can be found here in Liechtenstein. In 2023, Prof Droege will again present exciting examples and leading thinkers and 'doers'. We have selected three for you as publicly invited:

In this session you will learn how CIPRA - the International Commission for the protection of the Alps - is organized, which decision making committees exists, how they function, and why the protocols of the Alpine Convention (an international treaty for the protection of the Alpine region) builds the ground for CIPRAs work. You will also be active and develop innovative environmental solutions for Liechtenstein, whilst gaining knowledge on collaboration methods.

Information Contact

Kirsten Steinhofer


Dec 06, 2023


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