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Large Language Models à la ChatGPT in Business (for Non-Technical Professionals)

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Assoz. Prof. Dr. Johannes Schneider


Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024, 14.30 - 17.45 Uhr


In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping every aspect of business,understanding the capabilities and implications of Large Language Models (LLMs) likeChatGPT is essential for staying ahead. This workshop is designed with non-technicalprofessionals in mind, aiming to demystify the world of LLMs covering and explore theirtransformative potential, but also their limitations and challenges. We provide a set ofapplications but do not focus on a specific industry. Participants will gain valuable insights intothe state-of-the-art developments, practical use cases, risks, governance, and ethicalconsiderations of deploying LLMs in a professional setting. We discuss on-premise systemsbased on open-source models as well as commercial systems like ChatGPT hosted in thecloud.

Information Contact

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Johannes Schneider


Teilnahmegebühren: CHF 320,-


Jun 30, 2024


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