3907870: English for Architects

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Semester:SS 15
Scheduled in semester:2
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:16.0 L / 12.0 h
Self-directed study time:48.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2014)


  • Describing landscapes, places and objects
  • Presenting sketches and plans
  • Discussing topics within the field of architecture
  • Reading texts dealing with concrete and abstract topics in architecture

Learning Outcomes


  • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity in oral communication that makes interaction with native speakers free of strain for either party
  • present an architectural project in a structured way, highlighting key aspects
  • participate in discussions about the field of architecture by explaining problems and opinions, evaluating ideas and responding to hypotheses
  • understand the main ideas in complex architectural texts dealing with concrete and abstract topics
  • describe places, objects, sketches and plans and develop ideas systematically in writing
  • Vgl. dazu http://www.coe.int/t/DG4/Portfolio/?M=/main_pages/levels.html

Sozial- und Selbstkompetenz
  • evaluate their own and other person's products of learning

Lectures Method

Semesterunterricht mit Seminar

Admission Requirements

Sprachkompetenzen auf Niveau B2 (siehe www.uni.li/sprachenzentrum)


Erreichen der nötigen Punktezahl im Einstufungstest (siehe www.uni.li/sprachenzentrum); bei Unterschreitung zwingender Besuch des Vorbereitungskurs Activation I (siehe Aufnahmebedingung)

Exam Modalities

Präsentationen mit Kritik (30%), Textportfolio (50%), Peer Feedback und Mitarbeit im Unterricht (20%)


  • PAR BA 14_Englisch für Architekten (SS 15, in Planung)