3703159: Architectural Design Theory - Design Project II

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Semester:SS 14
Scheduled in semester:2
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:180.0 L / 135.0 h
Self-directed study time:315.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2008)


  • Urban design, housing, commercial and cultural builings within the inner city and its periphery.
  • Developpment of creative design skills against demanding constraints.
  • Highly integrated, specific support by Courses Design Theory I
  • Scale from analytical work to architectural design projects between 1:2000 and 1:200.
  • Guest lecturers and professors coming from an international context teaching alternating contents as compact projects, which complement the regular Projects Studios Design Theory I.
  • Debate on current topics from practice, theory and research within the lecture series.

Lecture Goals

The module Design Theory I seeks to establish the theoretical and professional frame to an integrated, intellectual and specific architectural debate and project making within the concentration Design Theory.
The topics center on issues to develop critical positions towards subjective reasoning in architecture and to further the ability to root these positions in the history and theory of architecture, as well as in the political, sociological, and cultural context of contemporary architecture and society. Theoretical planning and architectural articulation of space considering notions such as typology, morphology and style are fundamental topics in architectural education.

The compact projects are set to complement skills and knowledge acquired in the project studios and to broaden the horizon of the students.

The aim of the module is to provide students with the necessary architectural tools and intellectual instruments and avareness to integrate the knowledge aquired in the Courses Design Theory I into a responsible and sustainable professional behaviour.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module each student should have the ability to demonstrate and/or work with:

  • A researched understanding of design in order to take a position as a designer reflected in the ability to devise and implement strategies
  • A critical understanding of the intellectual and aesthetic content of self-selected buildings that supports architectural judgement.
  • Researched and critical evaluation of the briefing and performance of buildings.
  • The ability to define what type of research is relevant, what questions to ask, and which formats to record the findings to best serve as a springboard to design decisions.
  • Execute complex defined and self-defined projects of research, development or investigation and identify and implement relevant outcomes.
  • Ability to plan and compose buildings exhibiting complexity in terms of function, scale and context.
  • knowledge on the humanistic currents through the reading of selected literature
  • An understanding of the history of architecture reinterpreted considering political, sociological, and economical aspects.
  • An insight into the structure and the workings of the outer organs of perception and perception in general.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work with other students for.
  • The ability to communicate complex ideas and concepts comprehensibly in visual, oral and written forms.
  • Present and evaluate arguments, information and ideas concerning the various fields discussed in this module, and the ability to integrate these aspects in their individual design thinking and work.

Lectures Method

Studio delivered and project based, with students being tutored individually and in groups. This is supported by lectures that explain the principles that underlie architectural design and provide the intellectual and cultrual context for the study in achitecture.
Lectures, seminars.

Admission Requirements

  • Admission requirements for the Master of Science in Architecture Degree Program

Exam Modalities

  • Intermediate and final review with externals


All courses in the module have to be passed with a sufficient grade (minimum grade of 4.0).
The module grade will be determined from the weighted average of the single course grades.

  • Project Studio Design Theory 1 100%