3506578: International Management

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Semester:SS 13
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:75.0 L / 56.5 h
Self-directed study time:123.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)


Introduction to the field of International Management.
Basic introduction to: internationalization process and -environment, reasons for internationalization, actors in the international environment, the role of culture, instruments for the identification and evaluation of markets, market entry strategies, international human resource management, international marketing, organizational structures, and the leadership and management of international companies.


    • know the most important instruments for the identification and evaluation of markets.
    • Know different market entry strategies, leadership and management styles, and organizational structures.
    • understand the essential influential factors for decision-making in international environments.
    • can describe the most important internationalization strategies for various actors.
    • correctly apply market identification and evaluation instruments.
    • can identify the most important influential factors for the internationalization process.
    • can analyze the consequences of entrepreneurial decisions in an international environment.
    • can develop suitable market entry strategies depending on the type of company or level of internationalization.
    • can evaluate internationalization strategies and determine their suitability in various situations.
    • can reproduce the basic typologies of internationalization strategies.
    • can explain and interpret the requirements for implementing these strategies.
    • can apply fundamental models in the area of international management to new situations.
    • can compare alternative internationalization approaches, identify similarities and differences.
    • comprehend various strategies and approaches, as well as evaluate them.
    • can evaluate whether certain models or approaches can be applied in concrete situations, and select suitable models/ approaches in idealized situations.
    • listen and understand arguments made by / points of view taken by fellow students.
    • work in groups on smaller case studies.
    • evaluate the solutions of colleagues, evaluate these in comparison to own solution.
    • take on new or alternative approaches and link these with own approach(es).
    • represent and defend their own solution even when criticized.
    • tolerate different points of view.
    • can constructively use different perspectives for the development of new arguments.
    • take responsibility for their own decisions.
    • can adapt own needs to the different needs of their counterpart.
    • can defend and give reasons for their own opinions and decisions.

Admission Requirements

Knowledge prerequisites:

ModulGrundlagen des Management

  • Companies, Leadership and Management, Organization

Modul Führung und Organisation

Modul Strategie und Wandel

  • Adequate command of English, ability to work independently, basic knowledge of scientific work


The following conditions need to be met prior to registering for the module:

  • successful completion of English I
  • successful completion of additional first year programme modules amounting to at least 45 credit points.

Exception for SS 13: only 39 additional credits.