Semester:SS 17
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:75.0 L / 56.5 h
Self-directed study time:123.5 h
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:75.0 L / 56.5 h
Self-directed study time:123.5 h
Module coordination/Lecturers
- Prof. Dr. Nicolas Raschauer
- Dipl. Kff. Nadja Dobler
- Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer
- Dr. iur. Marco Dworschak
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)Events
- Cross-Curricular Integration Course - Introduction to Financial Services and Law of Asset Management
- Cross-Curricular Integration Course - Introduction to Financial Services and Law of Asset Management
- Financial Services
- Law of Asset Management
- Cross-Curricular Integration Course - Introduction to Financial Services and Law of Asset Management
Part Private Banking:
- Banking and financial intermediation
- Characteristics of selected asset classes
- Fundamentals of portfolio management and asset allocation
- The wealth management process
- Client goals and constraints
Part Law of Asset Management:
- Introduction to the Law of Asset Management
- Scope of Asset Management Law & Regulation
- Types of Regulation
Part Cross-Curricular Integration Course:
- Recognition and application of contents presented in the lectures, in particular through case studies which combine the economic and legal perspective.
- Know the relevance of efficient financial markets and financial intermediaries for economic welfare.
- Are aware of the characteristics of direct and indirect finance.
- Know the characteristics of different asset classes.
- Know relevant concepts of asset allocation and modern portfolio theory.
- Are aware of typical goals, constraints and other characteristics of clients in the private banking business.
- Know the basic principles of the law of asset and fund management.
- Know the application areas and the basic principles of the different instruments to administer assets.
- Understand models that address the role of direct and indirect finance and their implications for economic welfare.
- Understand the structure of the banking industry and fundamentals of bank management.
- Understand the relationship between risk and return of financial assets.
- Explain the basic concept of modern portfolio theory.
- Understand the goals and life-cycle needs of clients and describe different tools for the profiling of private banking customers.
- Describe the application areas and target groups of due diligence.
- Explain the different duties of due diligence.
- Circumscribe the organization and competences of the financial supervision.
- Explain the structure and typical application of the different instruments to administer assets.
- Understand the basic structure of the sources of law.
- Infer return and risk objectives according to the characteristics of clients.
- Apply the fundamentals of investment and portfolio theory to implement an adequate asset allocation.
- Practice their new skills with case studies.
- Analyse the risk and return characteristics of the most important classes of financial assets.
- Assess clients' ability to take risk and compare it with their willingness to take risk.
- Analyze the specific duties of due diligence in comparison to the competences of the financial supervision.
- Compare the different instruments to manage assets.
- are able to analyse the objectives of financial supervision in a cross-border context.
- Combine concepts of financial intermediation and investment theory
- Create concepts about the establishment and organization of financial intermediaries in the field of asset management.
- Review a portfolio or asset allocation particularly with regard to the risk/return characteristics of the underlying assets and the goals/constraints of customers.
- Find suitable solutions by judging the special facts of a case.
- Are aware of sources of information regarding financial markets, financial institutions, financial assets and clients.
- Know how to find the sources of law (statutes etc.) and the relevant literature databases.
- Understand the implementation of financial models for analysing financial markets, institutions and clients.
- Solve practical cases by interpreting the sources of law.
- Develop abilities to analyse the needs and constraints of clients in the private banking business and assess the suitability of different products.
- Are able to construe the corresponding sources of law.
- Seek differences and convergences of instruments to manage assets.
- Create concepts to establish and organize the different instruments to manage assets by interpreting the corresponding sources of law.
- Evaluate the clients' needs with regard to risk/return and assess the suitability of investment products, strategies and asset allocations.
- Decide practical cases by construing the corresponding sources of law in the scope of due diligence, financial supervision and the different asset management instruments.
- Listen carefully to understand and interpret the arguments of the lecturer and fellow students.
- Interpret arguments and facts during presentations of the lecturer and fellow students and react with critical questions. Improve communication skills by debating their point of view in discussions during the lecture.
- Organize group work.
- understand other opinions and solutions and are able integrate those into their own approaches.
- Notice their own learning aptitude and willingness to learn new things.
- Communicate autonomously, reflect their own actions carefully and are able to assess themselves realistically.
- Assume responsibility because of their self-discipline and flexibility.
- Advance their enthusiasm and affect their willingness to learn new things.
Admission Requirements
Introduction to Finance
- Valuation of investments and derivatives
- Basic knowledge about the role of banks and stock markets
Business Law & Corporate Governance
- Advanced knowledge of business organization law; basic knowledge on the regulation of financial intermediaries
The following conditions need to be met prior to registering for the module:
- successful completion of English I
- successful completion of additional first year programme modules amounting to at least 45 credit points.
Exception for SS 13: only 39 additional credits.