4906558: Financial Accounting

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Semester:SS 20
Scheduled in semester:1
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)


Basics of financial accounting, stocktaking and inventory, modes of accounting (stock accounts, income statement accounts, private accounts, goods and inventory accounts, payment accounts in due consideration of reconsignments) reductions and discounts, income calculations, documentary evidence, system of value added tax and its accounting, accounting of further cases in trading firms and production companies, accounting of wages and salaries, accounts receivables, accounts payables, accounting problems of fixed assets (depreciation, amortization, revaluation, special forms of depreciation and index to appendices) accounting problems of current assets(calculation of goods and materials employed and its accounting, cases of valuation of receivables, inventory changes), accruals and deferrals, accrued liabilities, liabilities, problems of hidden reserves (creation and disclosure).


    • Know the exercises, functions and methodology of double-entry accounting and report on effects of booking records.
    • Understand double-entry accounting as a system of opening, day-to-day and closing bookings, considering re-posts and follow-up posts as for the balance sheet date, and are able to create a simple end-of-year report (with and without a final table).
    • Apply double-entry accounting in concrete cases and create a (simple) end-of-year report with double income statements.
    • Analyze concrete situations for their relevance to double-entry bookkeeping, identify valuation problems in the scope of fixed assets, current assets, deferrals, accruals and liabilities.
    • Develop proposals for solutions based on given problems or based on questions arising on the part of fellow students in the bookkeeping course relevant to the basics of accounting.
    • Assess different accounting techniques concerning their advantageousness or practicality and are able to recognize and describe interconnections between accounting and other subjects.
    • Reproduce bookkeeping techniques in terms of posting records together with account representations.
    • Understand the work techniques of double-entry bookkeeping, as well as the meaning of subject-specific modes of expression and are able to reconstruct the underlying situation when posting records (reading of posting records).
    • Are able to solve bookkeeping problems, execute income recognition, calculate VAT-burdens, utilize different valuation methods and create a (simple) end-of-year report.
    • Analyze concrete situations for their relevance to financial accounting and compare alternative posting or income recognition techniques.
    • Record the two income recognition techniques (direct and indirect income recognition)
    • Evaluate and assess their own work based on jointly compiled or given solutions.
    • Understand the oral presentation by the lecturer (input, questions and solutions) and pay attention to the remarks of their fellow students.
    • Operate partly in partner work on solutions to exercises given by the lecturer, as well as in group work within self-study.
    • Assess suggestions for solutions from fellow students, evaluate their own approaches to solutions (ability to criticize).
    • Distinguish themselves through capacity for teamwork, communication skills and ability to co-operate.
    • Represent and justify their own approaches to solutions during criticism by the lecturer or fellow students (ability to accept criticism).
    • Perceive their own learning ability and willingness to learn.
    • Communicate independently, reflect on their own behavior and carry out an appropriate self-assessment.
    • Take on responsibility through self-discipline, flexibility and target orientation.
    • Are characterized by their full commitment, duteousness and reliability.
    • Represent their independence and self-motivation and thereby positively influence their determination to be top performers.