Semester:SS 20
Scheduled in semester:6
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Self-directed study time:135.0 h
Scheduled in semester:6
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Self-directed study time:135.0 h
Module coordination/Lecturers
- Prof. Dr. Martin Wenz
- Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer
- StB Dr. Florian Kloster, M.Sc. LL.M.
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)Events
- Introduction
- National and international business taxation
- Corporate tax systems
- Choice of legal structure and financing
- Corporate tax rate
- International business taxation: direct business, production sites, subisidiaries
- International tax planning: wealth structures
- International tax planning: financial instruments
- European tax law
- Know the basics of national and international busines taxation, group taxation, international tax planning together with companies, wealth structures and financial instruments, as well as European tax law
- Understand connections between various business taxation models and the tax planning instruments in Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Calculate the tax burdens of companies in accordance with the respective national tax law, while also considering double taxation agreements
- Analyse the fields of application and the boundaries of particular tax planning strategies
- Solve cross-border cases based on a schema
- Evaluate various tax planning strategies and their effects on the tax burdens
- Know the sources of national and international tax law of the four German-speaking countries, are capable of reproducing the central concepts of national and international tax law in adequate terminology
- Understand the connections between the particular tax legislation and the double taxation agreements
- Apply the rules of the respective national and international tax law in case studies
- Derive solutions and decision recommendations from the different laws; compare rulings of the different national tax laws
- Solve cross-border issues, actively applying relevant legal provisions of the respective national tax law, as well as rulings in the double taxation agreements
- Evaluate the calculated tax burdens
- Listen attentively to the letures and internalise points made by their fellow students.
- Work on the solutions of case studies, present and discuss the solutions worked out together, cooperate with the other students in the group
- Assess the other solutions presented, evaluate them in relation to their own solution, evaluate specific laws regarding their effect on the taxation in certain circumstances
- Stand up for and defend their own solutions in the light of remarks and critics
- Not a focus in this module
Admission Requirements
Out of the module "Steuern"
- Introduction into taxation
- Tax systems: Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, Switzerland
- Solution schemes and interplay: national and international taxation.
- National and international tax law: Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, Switzerland
- Case studies: Taxation of legal persons and legal entities (Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
- Comparative Analysis of tax systems
- Application of double taxation agreements
Prerequsites to registering in the module:
- Successful completion of English I
- Successful completion of further modules from the first year of studies with a value of 45 ECTS.