4406631: Statistics

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Semester:WS 17/18
Scheduled in semester:2
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Self-directed study time:135.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)



    • Know about the roles of quantiles, variances, standard deviations and correlations to measure risks.
    • Know the axioms of a discrete probability space.
    • Know the most important distributions and their properties.
    • Know the importance of the central limit theorem.
    • Can describe univariate and bivariate data according to the level of scale using numerical measures and graphical representations.
    • Can explain the content of the axioms of a discrete probability space while modelling a random experiment.
    • Use the law of large numbers to interpret a probability as a relative frequency in the long run.
    • Can explain why and when a certain distribution is used to model economic situations.
    • Can name the basic idea of testing hypotheses referring to the possible types of errors.
    • Name the basic ideas of standard testing procedures.
    • Calculate the critical values in the decision rules of binomial tests.
    • Can explain the meaning of confidence intervals and indicate the duality between confidence intervals and testing hypotheses.
    • Use the principle of ordinary least squares to estimate the parameters of a regression model.
    • Run simple linear regressions, set up the ANOVA-table and judge the residual plot.
    • Calculate probabilities using addition rules, decision trees and combinatorics.
    • Can explain the results of Bayes' theorem.
    • Use limits theorems to approximate distributions and probabilities.
    • Use calculations rules for expectations and variances correctly and can explain their meanings in the context of risk measuring.
    • Calculate the critical values of binomial tests and the resulting probability of a type 2 error.
    • Evaluate the test statistics of standard procedures, read the corresponding critical values from statistical tables and formulate the conclusion of the testing procedure correctly in the given context.
    • Calculate confidence intervals and interpret them correctly in a given context.
    • Interpret measures as quantiles, variances, standard deviations, correlations, skewness, curtosis correctly.
    • Use the vocabulary introduced to them to describe graphical representations correctly and include the advantages and disadvantages of such representations while interpreting them.
    • Judge the certainty or uncertainty of statistical conclusions and formulate their interpretations accordingly.
    • Judge the practical relevance of a linear regression in the given context.
    • Judge the uncertainty in the conclusions from statistical testing procedures correctly
    • Know the central statistical techniques that are often used in business applications.
    • Understand the meaning of statistical notions.
    • Use the concepts introduced in a purposeful way, interpret the results in the context and formulate their conclusions correctly.
    • Use basic commands of the software package R to analyze data graphically and numerically.
    • Apply standard learning techniques in abstract contexts so that they get used to working with scientific publications on their own.
    • Analyze data to justify decisions in business applications.
    • Analyze business cases using methods of probability theory.


Die Pflichtliteratur des Moduls Statistik umfasst die folgenden Quellen:

  • Unterrichtsmaterialen wie Skripten, Folien, Übungs- und Hausaufgaben, welche auf dem Lehrveranstaltungsforum zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
  • Wewel, M. C. (2014, 3. Auflage). Statistik im Bachelor-Studium der BWL und VWL. Hallbergmoos: Pearson.
  • Fahrmeir, L., Heumann, C., Künstler, R., Pigeot, I. & Tutz, G. (8. Auflage, 2016): Statistik - Der Weg zur Datenanalyse. Berlin: Springer.

Exam Modalities

  • written examination (120 min)


12.09.201715:15 - 16:45H2
14.09.201708:30 - 10:00H2
19.09.201715:15 - 16:45H2
21.09.201708:30 - 10:00H2
26.09.201715:15 - 16:45H2
28.09.201708:30 - 10:00H2
03.10.201715:15 - 16:45H2
05.10.201708:30 - 10:00H2
10.10.201715:15 - 16:45H2
12.10.201708:30 - 10:00H2
17.10.201715:15 - 16:45H2
19.10.201708:30 - 10:00H2
24.10.201715:15 - 16:45H2
26.10.201708:30 - 10:00H2
07.11.201715:15 - 16:45H2
09.11.201708:30 - 10:00H2
14.11.201715:15 - 16:45H2
16.11.201708:30 - 10:00H2
21.11.201715:15 - 16:45H2
23.11.201708:30 - 10:00H2
28.11.201715:15 - 16:45H2
30.11.201708:30 - 10:00H2
05.12.201715:15 - 16:45H2
07.12.201708:30 - 10:00H2
12.12.201715:15 - 16:45H2
14.12.201708:30 - 10:00H2
19.12.201715:15 - 16:45H2
21.12.201708:30 - 10:00H2


  • PWW-BA-12_Statistik - VO (WS 17/18, bewertet)