4606594: Bachelor's thesis

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Semester:WS 18/19
Scheduled in semester:6
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:337.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)


  • Deepening of the preparatory work for the thesis, which will have already started with the exposé.
  • Defining a scientific problem and deriving a research question from that.
  • Development of the problem-solving approach relevant to the defined research question based on the scientific methodology of the subject
  • Methodological and content-based issues to be discussed with assessor
  • Independent work on a research problem.
  • Preparation of presentation documents for the defence of the thesis
  • Defence of the thesis and expert discussion with the board of examiners.


    • Apply specialist terminology in a selective and correct way
    • Analyse sources and use those relevant for the thesis
    • Combine the subject content to answer the research question
    • Delimit the chosen topic in order to realize the research project
    • Argue, why a delimitation of the topic is possible without loss of quality
    • Apply the guidelines for academic work
    • Use the chosen language of the thesis in a correct way
    • Analyse the methods supplied and decide independently which methods can be best used to answer the research question
    • Apply the chosen methods in a correct and situation-specific way
    • Break down the knowledge gained from the research results
    • Point out opportunities and limitations of the thesis
    • Organize the research- and writing process and are able to independently overcome any critical challenges of the work


successful completion of one of the following courses:

    • Exposé Greenhouse IFS
    • Exposé Greenhouse IME
    • Exposé Greenhouse IMIT
    • Exposé Greenhouse IFS, IME, IMIT

Exam Modalities

Information für die Verfassung einer Bachelor-Thesis im Wintersemester:
Für die Anmeldung zur LV Erstellung Bachelor Thesis benötigen Sie ein durch den/die Gutachter/in und die Studienleitung freigegebenes Exposé. Bitte senden Sie das durch den/die Gutachter/in freigegebene Exposé (mit Unterschrift des Gutachters) an die Studienleitung (PDF/per Email). Sie werden nach Prüfung des Exposés durch die Studienleitung durch die Studienservices zu den Lehrveranstaltungen des Moduls angemeldet. Bitte erläutern Sie in ihrem Email Unterschiede zu der in der LV Greenhouse erstellten Version des Exposés.

Als Abgabefrist für das Exposé an die Studienleitung gilt die Anmeldefrist für das Modul.

Für eventuelle Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: elisabeth.hoefferer@uni.li


A bachelor´s thesis is, in general, a scientific working process, for which the research question should be answered. For that reason, a research question of general interest is to be answered, which could be reviewed by a concrete empirical question. Pure project- or company based research cannot be part of a bachelor´s thesis.