4806559: Orientation, Methods and Teamwork

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Semester:WS 19/20
Scheduled in semester:1
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)


  • Introduction to the bachelor programme and science in general
  • Working methods
  • What is science (characteristics, tasks, objectives, etc.)?
  • Principles of scientific work
  • Teambuilding


    • Name the main tasks and objectives of Business Administration as science
    • List fundamental philosophical positions for economic activity
    • Illustrate the principles of science or scientific work
    • Describe processes which are responsible for teambuilding
    • Illustrate the intention of citation styles and style manuals
    • Differentiate between sources in the context of scientific work
    • Compare scientific sources and argue differences
    • Develop a common approach for complex tasks
    • Evaluate working practices and approaches to solutions when fulfilling given tasks
    • Conduct literature research independently
    • Apply reading techniques to grasp new texts
    • Analyze the, for them personally, most suitable strategies for effective and efficient reading and learning
    • Consider and assess their own, as well as unfamiliar ways of solving problems
    • Analyze their experience of group dynamics and the communication behavior of persons involved
    • Assess their own and the behavior of their team members through predefined criteria and consider their personal values, as well as the values of others
    • Receive and give feedback, assess it for themselves and decide on the validity and weight for implementation
    • accept peer feedback in an appreciative and constructive way
    • recognize group dynamic processes
    • accept not only their own but also other members' positions
    • pay attention to colleagues
    • care about other team members in case they need help
    • designate responsibility to persons for different tasks
    • explain themselves and their actions in their teams.
    • Assume responsibility for team members.
    • Compensate for differences and tensions.
    • Analyze team structures, evaluate interrelations and are able to create a positive working environment
    • Defend measures taken with confidence to others
    • Contribute actively to build constructive group rules.
    • Listen carefully to those vis-à-vis, especially in critical situations
    • Tolerate feedback
    • Recognize potential for improvement in their own behavior
    • Cooperate with other students
    • Assess and justify the selected approach to solutions
    • Reflect on and assess their own actions. Explain themselves and adapt any new behavior to the group values
    • Through their own behaviour, influence group processes and reflect on the effects.
    • Support colleagues.
    • Influence group processes through empathetic behavior
    • Reflect on these processes."

Lectures Method

  • experienced-based learning
  • outdoor training
  • workshops
  • elements of lecture
  • activity-based exercises

Admission Requirements



  • presentation documents
  • sources researched/identified by students

