5510805: C21_Innovation Finance and Research Projects (VT IFS)

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Semester:SS 23
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Self-directed study time:135.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)


  • Blockchain Technologies
  • Bitcoin and Altcoins
  • Tokenization
  • Crypto Wealth Manangement
  • FinTech
  • Recent topics in finance, law and tax

Lecture Goals

Understanding of various aspects and the importance of the impact and changes on the field of Finance driven by new technologies


    • understand the most important concepts of blockchain
    • know why and where innovative finance methods matter in the wealth management process
    • understand the logic of tokenization
    • know the standard types of FinTechs and their importance
    • describe pros and cons of different cryptocurrencies
    • apply the methods on a complex project and are able to present the findings in a report about the project
    • select the right type of Blockchain for a given task
    • evaluate the concepts of Bitcoin and Altcoins
    • select and apply the right token category for tokenization processes
    • devise suitable financial concepts using innovative financial methods
    • evaluate Fintech concepts from a financial and technological point of view
    • Know how to write a paper about the project according to scientific writing principles.
    • Understand the logic and drivers behind current economic developments in financial services.
    • Summarize and explain their findings in a presentation about the project.
    • Evaluate the outcomes of their project
    • critically evaluate their point of view on new methods and discuss pros and cons in class
    • defend their stance in discussions
    • Show that their ability to stick to a project throughout a full term.They keep an overview over the project and don`t get lost in details.
    • repeat the contents of lectures and exercises in a self-organized way
    • assess their own learning progress during lectures
    • identify their own strengths and weaknesses
    • tolerate different opinions and working styles


Für die Anmeldung zu Modulen der Vertiefungsrichtung müssen Module im Umfang von mindestens 45 ECTS Credits aus dem ersten Studienjahr und zusätzlich das Modul English I erfolgreich absolviert sein.
Wahlfächer bleiben für diese Regelungen vollständig ausser Betracht.