5510811: C21_Information Management (VT IMIT)

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Semester:SS 23
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Self-directed study time:135.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)


  • Introduction (e.g., data, information and knowledge; tasks of information management)
  • Managing information (e.g., information economics; managing information demand and supply)
  • Managing information systems (e.g., databases, data warehousing, SQL)
  • Data mining (e.g., machine learning basics, recommender systems, text mining)
  • Managing information and communication technology (e.g., cloud computing, predicting ICT trends and developments)


    • list typical information management tasks
    • describe the relationships between key information management concepts (e.g., data, information, and knowledge)
    • describe theoretical information management models (e.g., information sets model)
    • describe and explain different data mining methods
    • describe and explain tools to assess information and communication technology trends and developments
    • apply information management methods, tools, and systems to solve simple tasks
    • compare and contrast information management methods and tools
    • compare and contrast components and functions of information management systems (e.g., databases; data warehouses)
    • evaluate information management methods, tools, and systems
    • develop comprehensive plans to solve information management problems
    • actively listen to lecturers and fellow students
    • collaborate in order to solve complex exercises
    • justify their solution approaches and results
    • learn in study groups
    • repeat the contents of lectures and exercises in a self-organized way
    • assess their own learning progress during lectures, exercises, and self-study (e.g., participation in discussions, solving exercises, presenting solutions)
    • identify their own strengths and weaknesses
    • tolerate different opinions and working styles (e.g., during classroom discussions, in online forums)

Admission Requirements

Knowledge prerequisites:

Module Information Systems:
Components and functions of different types of information systems

Module Operations Management:
Basic concepts, methods and tools of operations management


Für die Anmeldung zu Modulen der Vertiefungsrichtung müssen Module im Umfang von mindestens 45 ECTS Credits aus dem ersten Studienjahr und zusätzlich das Modul English I erfolgreich absolviert sein.
Wahlfächer bleiben für diese Regelungen vollständig ausser Betracht.