4308163: C15 Master's thesis

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Semester:SS 17
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:14.0 L / 10.5 h
Self-directed study time:799.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Information Systems (01.09.2015)


Short description
In their Master’s thesis, students use scientific methods and work in accordance with standards of scientific writing. The Master’s thesis is typically related to the major (BPM or Data Science) chosen by the student.

Learning objectives

  • Students will formulate appropriate research questions.
  • Students will identify appropriate theories to explain empirical phenomena.
  • Students will identify suitable research methods in order to seek answers to specific research questions.
  • Students will use appropriate qualitative, quantitative, and design-oriented approaches to seek answers to their research question/questions. Mere conceptual works are also possible.

  • The thesis is supervised by a supervisor and a co-supervisor, both of whom should be members of the Institute of Information Systems.
  • The Master’s thesis is defended in an oral exam, where students may be asked questions related to their studies that may go beyond the content of their Master’s thesis.
  • The official editing time is defined on the thesis proposal and may not exceed 22 weeks. A shorter editing time is possible.

Entry requirements
  • A minimum of 60 ECTS must be achieved before registration.
  • The modules Business Statistics I and Research Methods must be passed successfully.
  • A research proposal (exposé) signed by the first supervisor and the academic director must be submitted to the study administration in parallel to module registration.

Recommended previous knowledge
  • It is highly recommended that the research proposal (exposé) is developed within the module "Research Seminar"

  • Colloquium (mid-term presentation) is usually held about two months prior to the submission of the final master's thesis.
  • In the colloquium, students are expected to report on their progress and experience in writing their master's thesis.
  • The outcome of the colloquium is graded "passed" or "failed".
  • The colloquia for the summer term in 2017 will be held on: April 6 - April 7, 2017, starting from 09.00. A detailed schedule will be communicated two weeks prior to these dates.

Submissions and deadlines
  • A copy of signed thesis proposal (Exposé) must be submitted until July 1st. (for the winter term) and February 1st (for the summer term) to: Exposé Submission link
  • The master's thesis must be submitted until November 30th (for the winter term) and June 30th (for the summer term) to the the central service desk.
  • The submission of master's thesis must include: (1) a CD ROM containing thesis' digital copy (at the central service desk) and (2) direct submission of thesis' digital copy to the supervisor and co-supervisor (via e-mail).
  • If any of the dates above falls on a weekend or public holiday, the deadline is automatically extended until the next working day. Please also check the opening times of the central service desk, especially during summer months.

Compulsory reading
  • Creswell, J.W. (2008) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 3rd Edition, Sage Publications
  • Saunders, M.N.K.; Thornhill, A.; Lewis, P.; Leedy P.D.; Ormrod, J.E. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students: AND "Practical Research, Planning and Design", Financial Times Prentice Hall
