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Home-coming after 11 years: Second alumni reunion Description

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, the 2013 graduating class of the Master in Banking and Financial Management met at the University of Liechtenstein campus after more than a decade. For a reunion with BBQ and sunshine - and an update on their alma mater.

When University of Liechtenstein alumni return to campus, employees also look forward to catching up with former students. And so the Finance team did not miss the opportunity to join 13 of the 19 alumni and alumnae at this Saturday's reunion.

Update on the University of Liechtenstein

Prof. Dr. Marco Menichetti, Dean of the Liechtenstein Business School, presented the new Liechtenstein Business School to the guests; the Academic Director of the degree program, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer, provided insights into the new Master in Finance curriculum; and Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stöckl, Academic Director of the Liechtenstein Undergraduate & Graduate School, rounded off the program with a keynote speech on the latest research projects.

Exchange over BBQ and sunshine

Of course, the opportunity to talk to former fellow students in person over coffee and croissants about their professional and personal careers over the past few years and to reminisce about their own student days on a short tour of the university campus was also particularly exciting. In bright sunshine with a view of the mountain panorama, there was then plenty of time for personal discussions over a BBQ on the terrace of Lecture Hall 6.

Open to all alumni

Of course, all graduates of the University of Liechtenstein are cordially invited to take advantage of this new offer for alumni and experience their own class reunion on campus. The new Alumni Relations responsible person will be happy to help in the search for former fellow students and welcomes alumni to the campus: Inquiries in the Alumni LinkedIn group or at alumni@uni.li.