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Discourse between theatre and university

On 21 February 2013, the TAK Theater Liechtenstein and the University of Liechtenstein will launch a joint project on “theatre and management”, with a public lecture by Dr. Stephan Berchtold on the Process Communication Model.

On 21 February 2013, the TAK Theater Liechtenstein and the University of Liechtenstein will launch a joint project on “theatre and management”, with a public lecture by Dr. Stephan Berchtold on the Process Communication Model.

Lounge lecture at the TAK
The Process Communication Model provides individuals in any professional situation with instant insight into individual communication patterns, and enables them to approach other people in a more targeted manner. In his practice-oriented lecture on PCM in the TAK lounge, Dr. Stephan Berchtold will explain the basic principles of PCM and give advice on management and dealing with clients. Examples of how to prevent and solve conflicts will also be presented.

Dr. Stephan Berchtold is the Academic Director of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Administration at the University of Liechtenstein. He is a certified PCM trainer, co-organizer and co-presenter of the fourth PCM World Conference, and has vast experience in supporting managers in processes of change. 

Entry to the lounge lecture at the TAK at 5.30 p.m. is free. Please register at vorverkauf@tak.li. Subsequent to the talk, the TAK will be presenting the King Kong theatre evening based on the film by the same name and staged by the internationally renowned ASPIK theatre group, which has created a performance on the topic “the monster in us”. 

Fostering discourse in the public sphere
Doesn’t management require directing skills similar to those needed for theatre? In plays, deliberate provocation and the crossing of boundaries are used to question views and point out downsides. Now and again, management should also consider new perspectives, leave its comfort zone and question its own construction of reality.

Against this backdrop, the TAK and the university aim to develop joint projects that provide both sides with new insights. These activities include excursions to the theatre in order to offer students a look behind the scenes, university transfer projects for the TAK, and theatre workshops with students to prepare them to handle different roles. The cooperation offers many opportunities to foster discourse in the public sphere – a key task both at universities and at theatres. 

Lounge lecture
The Process Communication Model

Thursday, 21 February 2013, 5.30 p.m., in the foyer of the TAK
In cooperation with the TAK Theater Liechtenstein
Entry is free. Please register at vorverkauf@tak.li.
Subsequent King Kong theatre evening 
Information and tickets at www.tak.li