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Study trip to the USA

As the climax of their course of continuing education, 19 students on the Executive Master (LL.M.) course in Company, Foundation and Trust Law have recently been on a study trip to the USA. Together with Professor Francesco A. Schurr and his team, they visited universities, institutions and law firms in New York and Washington DC.

As the climax of their course of continuing education, 19 students on the Executive Master (LL.M.) course in Company, Foundation and Trust Law have recently been on a study trip to the USA. Together with Professor Francesco A. Schurr and his team, they visited universities, institutions and law firms in New York and Washington DC.

New York: theory and practice

Accompanied by Professor Schurr, holder of the Chair of Company, Foundation and Trust Law at the University of Liechtenstein, and Scientific Associate Dr Alexandra Butterstein, LL.M., the students were received first of all at the National Center of Philanthropy and the New York University School of Law. Together with Professor Harvey Dale and Professor Jill S. Manny, they discussed American trust law and the points of view of charitable organisations.  

On the occasion of a visit to the legal practice Withers Bergman LLP, the students discussed international wealth structuring cases with Dr Babetta von Albertini. This was followed by visits to other legal firms – Schwartz Sladus Reich Greenber & Atlas LLP, DaCheng Law Office LLP and Moses & Singer LLP – where the strategic possibilities of American trust law were explained and discussed with those taking part.

The students at a workshop with Professor Steward E. Sterk at the Cardozo Law School

Reception for the Liechtenstein ambassador to the UN

On a visit to the famous Cardozo Law School the students were welcomed by Professor Steward E. Sterk, and attended his workshop on the origin, background and possibilities of asset protection under US trust law. The programme also included a reception for the Liechtenstein ambassador to the UN, Christian Wenaweser, and his deputy Dr Stefan Barriga.

The LL.M. students at the reception given for the Liechtenstein ambassador to the UN, Christian Wenaweser

Washington DC: a glimpse of the Supreme Court

After their time in New York, the group went on to Washington DC. On a visit to the renowned Mc Donough School of Business at Georgetown University, the students were received by  Professor Michael R. Czinkota, Professor Thomas B. Cooke, Professor Charles J. Skuba, Professor Allan Eberhart (http://msbonline.georgetown.edu/faculty-research/msf-faculty/allan-eberhart) and Maureen Smith (Assistant Secretary for Industry and Analysis, US Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration). They attended a workshop at which the topics  of wealth management in the US and US tax policy were discussed. 

Professors Schurr, Czinkota, Cooke, Skuba, Eberhart and Maureen Smith on the visit to Georgetown University

After this the group visited Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner for a discussion of topical economic issues. On the occasion of a visit to the Supreme Court the students were received by Justice Antonin Scalia and took part in a ‘courtroom lecture’.

Visit to the Supreme Court

In dialogue with the Liechtenstein ambassador

This day of impressive experiences finished with a reception given by the Liechtenstein ambassador to the USA, Claudia Fritsche, who had invited personalities from business, politics and research to meet the students.

The group of students with Ambassador Claudia Fritsche (5th from right)

The last day of the study trip included a visit to the legal firm Caplin & Drysdale Attorneys, in the course of which current consulting aspects of US trust law were discussed. The final item on the agenda was a visit to the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice.

More information about the Executive Master (LL.M.) in Company Foundations and Trust Law www.uni.li/llm-gesellschaftsrecht