HomeNewsStudying abroad: Michigan, USA

Studying abroad: Michigan, USA

Julia Bitschnau and Lara Dünser are third-semester students in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Administration at the University of Liechtenstein. For their semester abroad, they decided on Ferris State University in the USA. They wanted to discover a new continent and, at the same time, become acquainted with campus life in America.

Julia Bitschnau and Lara Dünser are third-semester students in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Administration at the University of Liechtenstein. For their semester abroad, they decided on Ferris State University in the USA. They wanted to discover a new continent and, at the same time, become acquainted with campus life in America.

Why did you choose this country and this university for your semester abroad? In what language were the classes held?

We decided on the USA because of the fact that we had already visited countries within Europe and now wanted to discover a new continent. From the outset, it was clear to us that the USA was our preferred destination. We chose Ferris State University because both the location and the university itself really appealed to us. For us, it was important to find a university where the lecture groups would not be too large, but where we could also experience genuine campus life. All lectures and exercises were presented in English.  

How did you prepare for your exchange semester? How did the International Office team assist you in your preparations?

We had to make a lot of preparations ourselves. On the one hand, we were in constant contact with Ferris State University’s International Office via e-mail, and on the other hand, we did a great deal of research on our own via the Internet. Since we also needed a visa for our studies abroad, there were many organizational hurdles that we had to overcome. However, the University of Liechtenstein’s International Office did an excellent job in offering us assistance in these matters. 

Lara Dünser (left) and Julia Bitschnau (right) backdropped by the New York skyline

What did you look forward to the most? What was the greatest challenge?

The thing that we looked forward to the most was getting to experience the American way of life. We were eager to find out if campus life in the USA really is how it is portrayed in the movies. We wanted to become acquainted with a new country, new people and a different culture. In addition, we were really looking forward to seeing that part of the world. 

The biggest challenge for us was getting the visa. We had to obtain official approvals and fill out an unbelievable amount of forms. We also had to go to Vienna to attend an interview at the American Embassy. 

How were you received at Ferris State University, and how were you assisted during your studies?
We were very well received at the partner university. At the beginning, there were various orientation events and activities, and the staff was always at hand to offer assistance. We were also warmly welcomed at the International Office for the duration of the semester.  

Ferris State University 

What was the highlight for you? What can you take with you from this time abroad that can help you personally or in your studies?

What we liked the most was getting an insight into another culture. The everyday life at the university, the sleeping quarters and even the food, are all totally different to what you can find in Liechtenstein. On a personal level, we gained a lot of experience and came away with some great memories that we will cherish for a lifetime. 

What recommendations would you offer to students at the University of Liechtenstein who are planning to spend their semester abroad there?

Students interested in spending a semester at Ferris State University should start planning as early as possible. Preparing for a semester abroad is a very time-consuming process. It is also very important to have a lot of patience, as Americans rather tend to take things quite easy and therefore might not reply to e-mails immediately. All the same, it is an unforgettable experience and we would definitely recommend a semester abroad to anyone. It is not only a welcome change to your study routine, but also an opportunity to develop on a personal level, to make new friends and to gain a wealth of experience. 

Lara Dünser and Julia Bitschnau at Niagara Falls

PROFILE Lara Dünser/Julia Bitschnau

  • Home country: Austria
  • University of Liechtenstein degree programme: Business Administration
  • Semester: third
  • Residents of: Wolfurt, Vorarlberg/Bludenz, Vorarlberg

Semester abroad

  • Country: United States of America
  • Partner university: Ferris State University
  • Number of semesters: one
  • Type of accommodation: student dormitory