On 29 November 2012, the Executive Master of Laws (LL. M.) programme in International Taxation held a theme night on tax cooperation between Liechtenstein and Germany at the University of Liechtenstein.
On 29 November 2012, the Executive Master of Laws (LL. M.) programme in International Taxation held a theme night on tax cooperation between Liechtenstein and Germany at the University of Liechtenstein.
Under the moderation of Professor Martin Wenz, HSH Prince Stefan of Liechtenstein, ambassador in Berlin, sketched the development of German-Liechtenstein relationships on tax issues. He went into particular detail on the time before the Liechtenstein Declaration on 12 March 2009 and the progress of negotiations on the tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) and double taxation agreement (DTA) with Germany. In a lively exchange with the students, the current situation around the Switzerland/Germany tax agreement and its implications for Liechtenstein as a financial centre were discussed.
HSH Prince Stefan of Liechtenstein and Professor Martin Wenz
The Executive Master of Laws (LL. M.) programme in International Taxation provides extensive knowledge of national and international tax law in Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, other tax systems (HK, SG, LU, UK, US), international tax cooperation (DTA/TIEA/EU) and international tax planning in relation to companies, asset structures and financial instruments. The programme is aimed at academics in the fields and makes a valuable contribution to establishing and advancing expertise on tax law for Liechtenstein as an economic and financial centre. Further information at www.uni.li/steuern/weiterbildung.
More information at www.uni.li/steuern/weiterbildung