Semester:SS 24
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h
Module coordination/Lecturers
- Dr. Rebekka Ehret
(Externer Dozent)
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)Cross faculty elective subjects (01.09.2014)
Master's degree programme in Information Systems (01.09.2015)
Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2015)
Master's degree programme in Information Systems (01.09.2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2019)
Master's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2019)
Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship and Management (01.09.2020)
Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)
- Concepts, theories and models of diversity
- Managing Diversity
- Theoretical, political and legal concepts of intersectionality
- Interlocking types of discrimination
- Methods to develop diversity+ competencies
- Equality and the right to be different
Lecture Goals
Participants are able …
- to explain the basic concepts, theories and models of diversity and intersectionality
- to explain the basic theoretical, political and legal concepts of intersectionality
- to apply Diversity Management tools
- to analyse situations of interlocking discrimination
- to develop their own set of diversity+ competences
- to do presentations in English
Understanding the dynamics of difference, promoting equal opportunity and valuing diversity are highly esteemed skills in the diversified and globalized labour market.
Learning Outcomes
Participants are able …
- to explain the basic concepts, theories and models of diversity and intersectionality
- to explain the basic theoretical, political and legal concepts of intersectionality
- to apply Diversity Management tools
- to analyse situations of interlocking discrimination
- to develop their own set of diversity+ competences
- to do presentations in English
Understanding the dynamics of difference, promoting equal opportunity and valuing diversity are highly esteemed skills in the diversified and globalized labour market.
Lectures Method
Lectures and workshops
Admission Requirements
Conversation level of English
Diversity and Inclusion Handbook
To be presented during the course
Exam Modalities
Parts of assessment
A: 50% developing a case study (group work)
B : 50% individual work presentation
80% mandatory presence
cross-faculty course:
Rules for registration:
Datum | Zeit | Raum |
24.02.2024 | 09:30 - 16:30 | H3 |
16.03.2024 | 09:30 - 16:30 | H2 |
13.04.2024 | 09:30 - 16:30 | H2 |
27.04.2024 | 09:30 - 16:30 | H3 |