5611161: FU_Communication: Mastering Difficult Conversations with Diplomacy

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Semester:WS 23/24
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)
Cross faculty elective subjects (01.09.2014)
Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2015)
Master's degree programme in Information Systems (01.09.2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2019)
Master's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2019)
Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship and Management (01.09.2020)
Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)


In the countless conversations and negotiations we lead each day, ideally, information is willingly
exchanged, opinions are openly discussed and a result that benefits everyone is achieved. However,
real life often looks like this: There is a lack of conversation, instead there is righteousness,
embarrassed silence, an unpleasant atmosphere and misunderstandings. Sometimes there is even the
impression that colleagues in the team or your own client are opponents.
• To have a good conversation in which interlocutors meet at eye level and to conduct successful
negotiations in which everyone wins something is a key competence of diplomats and secret service
officers. Hereby, persuasiveness and trust building abilities are key. Winning other people over is a
great feeling - and an art. Those who master it will experience that business relationships, difficult
conversations, and even tough negotiations are pleasant and highly effective.
• Creativity as an essential pillar of entrepreneurial and leadership competence is fundamental not only
to successfully starting a business, securing its competitiveness, leading a team or organization, but
also to communicating in a convincing and winning way. However, in times of constant acceleration of
our daily routines, it has become more and more difficult to carve out time for truly creative processes.
• In this course, you learn how to master difficult conversations and negotiations with trust, creativity,
and diplomacy, thus advancing the persuasiveness of your ideas and communication, while combining
your personal well-being with your professional success. Nature is a great teacher and support in this
endeavor. You will train your intuitive skills as one of the biggest and most important trump cards in a
globalized world, particularly in difficult times.

Learning Outcomes

Participants are able to ...
• understand what trust really means, how it is created, what it depends on, and what it is based upon
• recognize the needs of their counterpart in the field of tension between different values and promote a
trouble-free relationship level
• prepare conversations and negotiations efficiently, develop a common language in the team, and get
"outliers” on board
• shape negotiation interests and make them effective
• easily achieve more with a clear, appreciative language
• recognize and effectively prevent manipulation
• find their creative genius for better communication in difficult situations
• strengthen their power of persuasion – advancing their positions and ideas
• develop the right mindset – for better problem solving and decision making
• strengthen their personal resilience in difficult situations in order to open up new planes of action and
achieve their goals with more ease


Lectures Method

Methodological mix of input, reflection, group work, role play, …

Admission Requirements

Good command of the English language, as language nuances play a role in this course
Be open to learn in innovative settings


Reading material will be provided.

Exam Modalities

• Course based on continuous assessment, see details under "assessment".
• Meeting attendance is an essential pre-requisite for successfully completing a course based on
continuous assessment.
• Attendance must be proven for at least 80% of the stipulated contact time. Responsibility for checking
and providing written proof of this obligatory attendance lies with the course lecturer who is required
to store this information at least until the end of the semester.
• In the case of absenteeism that exceeds the specified limits of absence, a medical certificate is
required. Responsibility lies with the Head of the Coordination Office for Cross-Faculty Elective
Subjects to approve the reason for the student’s failure to attend.
• Participation in other activities of the university is not recognized as an excused absence.



Parts of assessment
A: (20%) – Attendance and active participation
B: (30%) – Presentation during class
C: (50%) - Self-reflection presentation during last module

Compulsory attendance (min. 80%)


  • P-FU_Communication: Mastering Difficult Conversations with Diplomacy (WS 23/24, in Planung)