5604257: FU_Español Elemental I

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Semester:WS 23/24
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)
Cross faculty elective subjects (01.09.2014)
Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2015)
Master's degree programme in Information Systems (01.09.2019)
Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2019)
Master's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2019)
Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship and Management (01.09.2020)
Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2020)
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)


This module supports the development of communicative competence in Spanish on level A1 (cf. CEFR descriptors).

Students who have a language level B1 (cf. CEFR) or higher in Spanish are not allowed to participate in the course.

Lecture Goals

  • asking and talking about someone's profession, origin, place of residence, address, telephone number
  • introducing yourself and others
  • greeting and saying goodbye
  • spelling
  • describing a person's appearance and character
  • talking about family and friends
  • numbers from 1 to 1'000'000
  • ordering in a restaurant
  • countries and nationalities
  • the conjugation of the regular and irregular verbs (-ar, -er, -ir and reflexive verbs)
  • singular/plural of nouns
  • concordance of nouns and adjectives
  • interrogative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, possessive pronouns
  • completing forms with name, address, nationality etc.

Learning Outcomes

Develop Spanish language competence on level A1 (cf. CEFR descriptors)

  • read, understand and pass on simple information
  • take part in simple everyday conversation
  • report past events
  • create simple texts


Lectures Method

Interactive teaching


Available on Moodle

Exam Modalities

see Beurteilung



Parts of assessment
A: written and oral assessments during the semester (30% of the final grade)
B: written and oral exam (70% of the final grade)

80% mandatory presence


cross-faculty course:
Rules for registration: www.uni.li/cross-faculty


  • P-FU_Español Elemental I (WS 23/24, in Planung)