Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects

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Type and Duration

ERASMUS, September 2020 until August 2023 (finished)


Institute of Architecture and Planning

Main Research

Sustainable Planning and Construction

Field of Research

Sustainable Design
Architectural Design Theory


The Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects (SEIAA) is an Erasmus+ project that was centered around innovative teaching formats, to educate responsible architects that have the skills and knowledge to support a transformation towards a sustainable society. From 2020 until 2023 the University of Liechtenstein (LI), Hasselt University (BE), Bergen School of Architecture (NO) and the Royal Danish Academy (DK) shared their transformative teaching formats, based on which, each of them organized a five-day workshop focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the workshops twenty students worked in five mixed groups, each consisting of one student from every university. The workshop program depended on the teaching format of the university as well as the needs of its context. The workshops took place in cooperation with local actors and resulted in outputs which served the needs of the specific context, such as:
> workshops related to a sustainable use of the built environment for high schools in Liechtenstein,
> temporary built installations to foster social interactions in neighborhoods in Genk (BE),
> design proposals for a more harmonic co-existence of the city and the sea for the municipality of Bergen (NO), and
> 1:1 testing of material joints for a circular building industry in Copenhagen (DK).
To document the process, the results and workshop instructions, a booklet was produced for every workshop. The final compendium contains five booklets, four describing the workshops and a fifth summarizing the overall project, the main learnings, and an impact manifesto.


climate change, social and environmental responsibility, social impact, social inequality, Sustainable Development Goals
