HomeWho 's who

Daniel Haselsberger, MSc Arch

Research Assistant / PhD Student
Urbanism, Architecture & Society
Current Activity
PhD Candidate and Researcher
since 2021

Doctoral candidate at the University of Liechtenstein


Distance learning course in building biology at the Institute for Building Biology and Sustainability IBN, Rosenheim (DE)

2016 — 2019

MSc Arch, University of Liechtenstein and Bergen School of Architecture (NO)
Master's thesis supervised by Hon. Prof. UNESCO Anna Heringer

2011 — 2014

BSc Arch, University of Liechtenstein
Bachelor's thesis supervised by Prof. Daqing Gu

2003 — 2009

High School, Klosterschule Disentis

since 2020

Scientific researcher at the University of Liechtenstein

2017 — 2020

Architect at Architekt Wysocki, Mels

2015 — 2017

Architect at Jüngling and Hagmann Architekten, Chur

2014 — 2015

Internship at Bearth & Deplazes Architekten, Chur

since 2020

Founder and board member of the non-profit association ArchAid, which supports rural regions in Bangladesh and India by promoting local and natural potentials.

Visiting Academic

Research stay in the Indian state of Bihar


Exchange semester at the Bergen School of Architecture (NO)

2022 — 2024

School for disadvantaged children in Bahuarwa, India

2021 — 2022

Meetingplace and teahouse in Hatiyari, Bangladesh

Schedule for SS 24
Rooting Architecture: Reviving the use of local and natural building materials in Bihar, India
PhD-Thesis, since February 2021

This work is a search for ways to promote the use of local and natural building materials in the Indian state of Bihar. For this purpose, the vernacular building traditions of the rural town of ... more ...

Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects
ERASMUS, September 2020 until August 2023 (finished)

The Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects (SEIAA) is an Erasmus+ project that was centered around innovative teaching formats, to educate responsible architects that have the skills ... more ...

  • Haselsberger, D., & Dhingra, I. (2024). Half-Baked: Developing a hybrid between traditional and modern building typologies in the Indian village of Bahuarwa. Paper presented at the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023, Copenhagen.

  • Haselsberger, D., Faisst, C., Hannes, E., Huybrechts, L., Princen, P., Andersson, C., Palmer, C. V., Beim, A., Mody, A., Kappel Lin, & Munch-Petersen, P. (2023). Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects! Impacting the Everyday Life Through Architectural Investigations. Paper presented at the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023, Copenhagen.

  • Haselsberger D. & Faisst C. (2024). Pro Bono: Empowering Change Makers. Presented at the Power in Transformation, by Design and by Disaster Conference, Silandro, Italy.

  • Haselsberger D. & Haselsberger I. (2024). (WO)MAN-MADE: On the Relationship of Changing Building Practices and Gender Segregation in India. Presented at the Power in Transformation, by Design and by Disaster Conference, Silandro, Italy.

  • Haselsberger, D., Faisst, C., Hannes, E., Huybrechts, L., Princen, P., Andersson, C., Palmer, C. V., Beim, A., Mody, A., Kappel Lin, & Munch-Petersen, P. (2023). Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects! Impacting the Everyday Life Through Architectural Investigations. Presented at the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023, Copenhagen.

  • Haselsberger, D., & Dhingra, I. (2023). Half-Baked: Developing a hybrid between traditional and modern building typologies in the Indian village of Bahuarwa. Presented at the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023, Copenhagen.

  • Faisst, C., Haselsberger, D., Hannes, E., Huybrechts, L., Princen, P., Andersson, C., Palmer, C. V., Beim, A., Kappel, L., Mody, A., & Munch-Petersen, P. (2023). Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects : University of Liechtenstein, Hasselt University, Bergen School of Architecture, Royal Danish Academy.

  • Haselsberger Daniel und Isha. (2024, June 27). Lehm: Potential oder Last? Perspektiven aus einem indischen Dorf. Vortragsreihe "Lehm ohne Grenzen", im Rahmen der Diplomverleihung, IG Lehm Fachverband Schweiz, Zürich.

  • Haselsberger Daniel und Isha. (2024, February 19). Suffizienz: Genug für alle?. Suffizienz-Treff: Mehr Zeit für's Wesentliche, Baubio Swiss, Regionalgruppe Südostschweiz, Chur.

  • Faisst Cornelia, & Haselsberger, D. (2022, October 28). How to do Pro Bono. Kooperationen zwischen Zivilgesellschaft und Hochschule – Gute Praxis, Netzwerk für Service Learning an Schweizer Hochschulen, Online.

  • Haselsberger, D. (2021, November 24). Pro Bono: Verantwortung Gestalten. Forum Baukultur: Die Schweizer Austausch- und Netzwerkplattform für Baukulturakteure, Bern.

  • Faisst Cornelia, Haselsberger Daniel, & Rhomberg Clarissa. (2021, June 18). Pro Bono: Verantwortung Gestalten. Engagierter Campus und Gesellschaft, Netzwerk für Service Learning an Schweizer Hochschulen, Online.
