PATHFINDER – Pioneering AI Technology in Higher Education to Facilitate Innovation and Nurture the Development of Entrepreneurial Resources

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Type and Duration

ERASMUS, January 2024 until December 2026


Liechtenstein Business School

Main Research

Growth and Complexity



Our goal is to improve the understanding and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education. We achieve this by providing teachers and students with the necessary information and resources for the effective and responsible integration of AI. Our efforts promote digital readiness, stimulate innovation, strengthen resilience and improve employability. We achieve this by championing innovative educational methods and promoting innovation and entrepreneurial skills.


We will create strategic guidelines for the integration of AI in education, develop AI-based tools for lesson planning and support, and establish a learning journey to improve students' AI skills. We intend to advance educational practice through these activities by harnessing the power of AI. By sharing the knowledge gained with the European education community, we will make the responsible use of AI accessible and usable for educators and institutions.


We expect outcomes such as improved digital readiness of teachers and learners, strengthened educational practices through AI-based tools, a cultural shift towards fostering innovation and wider access to responsible AI use within the European educational community. Our efforts aim to equip educators and learners with the skills and knowledge required for the evolving digital landscape to improve teaching practices, foster innovation and ensure ethical AI integration.


- SAGE is a framework to support teachers in effectively integrating AI tools into the classroom. We will create a concept that combines AI technologies with innovative teaching methods and standardizes digital teaching methods in different courses.
- GUARD is an AI-supported toolkit for lesson planning and teaching. It helps teachers apply the SAGE framework, enables personalized learning experiences and fosters creativity.
- ARTISAN is a competency-based learning program that teaches students how to use AI technology effectively. It improves students' ability to innovate and prepares them for the future world of work by strengthening entrepreneurial skills in higher education.

Principal Investigator