Semester:WS 15/16
Scheduled in semester:5
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:75.0 L / 56.5 h
Self-directed study time:123.5 h
Scheduled in semester:5
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:75.0 L / 56.5 h
Self-directed study time:123.5 h
Module coordination/Lecturers
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Sascha Kraus
- Dr. Alexander Simons
- PD Dr. habil. Stefan Güldenberg
- Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)Events
- Research Methods - general Part
- Research Methods IFS - specialization Part
- Research Methods IME - specialization Part
- Research Methods IMIT - specialization Part
- Exposé Greenhouse IFS
- Exposé Greenhouse IFS
- Exposé Greenhouse IFS
- Exposé Greenhouse IME
- Exposé Greenhouse IME
- Exposé Greenhouse IME
- Exposé Greenhouse IMIT
- Exposé Greenhouse IMIT
- Exposé Greenhouse IMIT
Introduction into methodology, the basics of: research foundations, research philosophies and approaches, development, and the implementation and analysis of research projects.
- know the most important methodological approaches and instruments of social sciences
- understand the relevant influencing factors of research decisions, describe the most important approaches for various problem situations
- correctly implement methodological instruments and approaches
- identify the relevant influential factors in the research process, analyze the consequences of methodological decisions on the research process and results
- develop appropriate research designs dependent on the research question
- assess research approaches and evaluate their suitability in various situations
- reflect upon the basic types of research design.
- interpret and explain the prerequisites of research strategies.
- apply the basic research approaches to new problems.
- compare alternative research approaches, identify similarities and differences.
- summarize and evaluate the various research approaches.
- determine if certain models (i.e. approaches) can be implemented in concrete situations and choose an appropriate model/approach for the situation under research.
- actively listen to the arguments and discussion points of fellow students.
- work together in groups to generate solutions for practical examples as well as the preparation of presentations.
- evaluate the solutions of colleagues, compare them to your own solution.
- acquire new or alternative approaches to solutions and link them to your own approaches.
- represent and defend your own solution even when faced with criticism.
- tolerate different points of view
- use various points of view constructively in ordert o develope and use new arguments
Admission Requirements
- Ability to think and work independently
- Initiative, curiosity, reflection
Voraussetzung für die Anmeldung zum Modul:
- erfolgreicher Abschluss aller Module des 1. Regelstudienjahres